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Nathiel Saewelien (a.k.a. Nat or Ellie)

Nathiel Saewelien is a young, newly matured Ash Elf who is soon to start attending Nasrelts, Acdemy of the Arcane. Nathiel was exiled from the Fae Realm as a young child at the age of 23 (roughly 4 in human age). She has longed to return to her home for her entire childhood and with her entrance into the Academy as an adult, she now can.
Nathiel has a human best friend who was recently revealed to be a half-elf, something that shouldn't be possible. Since the reveal Nat has felt conflicted, she knows she should be happy her friend will attend with her but she worries it will impact her goals if she is seen to be affiliated with a half-human.
Her goals are simple. She wants to be reunited with the person she cherishes the most and has dreamed of seeing again, the 3rd Prince of her People, Athan Underdall. She wants to become an impressive asset for him so he can take her with him when they graduate and never need to be separated again as they were in childhood.
That is her goal but Nathiel is already impressive. She has high magic levels and the potential for more at a scale that is incredibly rare. She has refined her skills and knowledge throughout her childhood through studying books and tomes. And she defines not only the physical characteristics of her people, the Ash Folk, but the behaviour as well. She is antagonistic, she is manipulative, she is cunning and sly. She toys with people like a cat with a mouse and sees it as enjoyment.
All in all, Nathiel should be the perfect Ash Elf.
But she grew up in the human world and it has rubbed off on her. She mimics and understands human emotions without meaning to and they sometimes make her pause or alter her natural Ash Fae behaviour. It has made her softer.
She has always been a gentler version of the Ash; still perfect but not as cruel as others might get. She is reactive to situations and prefers to act out of spite rather than sheer random attacks of malice as other Ash might. She is quiet, she watches and wait for the chance to strike.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nat has a weak body. She isn't made for physical combat but has incredibly high magical ability. She is slim and short and is regarded as beautiful even among other Elves.

Body Features

Nathiel is slim and lithe. Her body is not very strong and she has little muscle mass. She is not very in shape but is naturally agile and has sharp reflexes.
She is naturally elegant in posture and movement.

Identifying Characteristics

The most identifying feature Nathiel has is also arguably her least identifying feature depending on who she is around. Nat is the archetype of the Ash Elves. She has the pale skin, the grey eyes, the pure white hair. 

Even among the beautiful elves, Nat stands out for her looks. She is regarded as beautiful among a race of already stunning elves.

Nathiel is always exceptionally well dressed. She prides herself on her Ash Folk fashions and has several outfits for any and every occasion. 

She has a distinctive scent of books, tea and mint. The books come from her method of learning which is to study tomes. Nat is regularly around books and has picked up the scent. She is always drinking tea and likes to chew mint leaves which is why she smells like it.

Physical quirks

The high magics levels held within Nat's body means she is susceptible to strain on her body as it struggles to cope under the force of the magic is contains. Nathiel sporadically feels weakened and faint and has a frail constitution. 
The strain on her is bad enough that her mother considered exchanging her with a human child and leaving her as a changeling. Only Nat's strong bond with the young 3rd prince was able to dissuade her mother as separation between the two would have been trauma inducing, even as newborns.

Special abilities

Nat has an incredibly strong magic potential and she has already begun to tame that magic. All her elf-specific magics are related to death and decay as all Ash Elf magic is.
Her potential magical prowess is something that is seen only every few generations or so.

Apparel & Accessories

Nat is always dressed in fashions that she made herself because she refused to stoop to human apparel. Her clothes and apparel have always been that of the Ash Fae; refined, dark in colours elegant and making use of expensive resources from hunts.
Nathiel has a necklace of an arrowhead carved from stone. It was given to her by the 3rd Prince, Athan when they were young. She never goes anywhere without it. It is always somewhere on her, be it around her neck, tied to her wrist or in her pocket.

Specialized Equipment

Having a high potential for magic and a weak body, Nathiel has never bothered to learn or choose a weapon to specialise with. She has always assumed her magic will be her weapon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At the age of 23 (between 4 & 5 in human age) Nathiel was expelled from the Fae Realm to the human realm. Her mother, the Ash King's consort, offended the Ash Queen and the exile was her punishment. As a child with no other parental claim to keep her in the Fae Realm, Nat was exiled with her mother.
The act of the exile was especially traumatising for the young Nat who had been playing with the young prince Athan at the time and was physically torn from and dragged away from the young boy. It was the last time she saw him before she was thrown into the human realm.
Since then she has spent the last 78 years being raised in the human world. For the vast majority of it, they lived in caves, tunnels and small secluded homes. However in the last 6 years, her mother insisted on moving to a human city, a human home and even forced Nathiel to attend a human school under a glamour to appear ages with the other students. During the time, Nathiel became friends with a human girl called Ivy.
Nat expected the friendship to die once she had the chance to return home upon her coming of age and enrolment at Nasrelts.

However, when Nat received her letter of enrolment, a sign she could return to her home realm, it was also when she had a jarring discovery explained to her. She had arrived at Ivy's home to find several Seelie Elves present. They had explained the situation to Ivy, and also Nathiel as a result of proximity.
The human she had befriended with the expectation of leaving behind, was actually a supposed half-elf, something that has never existed in the Fae Realm before, and would be attending Nasrelts with her.
Nathiel is unsure how she feels about this.


As any young elf is, Nathiel was educated in the skills and knowledge any child would need. She is educated up to the point of attending university which she is soon to start with her enrolment at Nasrelts.
Her personal education came from home schooling and her own studying of texts and tomes.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Nathiel has home-schooled herself from a young age and is very proud of how much she knows and the fact that her entire knowledge base comes from what she taught herself with books and tomes.
Between her knowledge and her incredibly high magic potential, something she is also very proud of, she is near certain that her popularity at Nasrelts is assured.
That in itself is something she sees as as accomplishment as it is the first step to getting recruited after her studies so she can enter the Ash Royal's fortress alongside Prince Athan.

Failures & Embarrassments

Nat hates that she has spent her childhood around humans. She is embarrassed that she under understands them even if she doesn't empathise with them and she hates that she sometimes mimics human emotions out of habit as she had learned to do in the human realm.
Nathiel is also incredibly horrified by the fact that she has memorised countless pop culture references from her human friend's favourite human entertainment. She doesn't understand them all but she can recite them by heart and in the correct situation and the fact that she can do that will always be an immense embarrassment.

Mental Trauma

At a young age Nat was torn away from someone very dear to her and her last image of that person was as she was physically being dragged away as they were held back.
That image in conjunction with not being close to that person is incredibly traumatic for Nat.

Morality & Philosophy

Nat has the morality of any Ash Folk. She is impassive, apathetic to other's suffering and is even sadistic at times. She is sly and manipulative and she is only ever proud of that.
She does what she wants as any Ash Elf would and she acts as any Ash elf would and she sees no problem with that. She is an Ash Elf so she will act like one.
However, in recent years she has had to minorly adapt and tamp down her Ash nature to satisfy her human friend. Nat resents this and is eager to return to her true nature.


Nathiel grew up dreaming of returning to her people and as a result her identity as an Ash Folk is very strong. Because of this she would never cross her own, not seriously at least, and she would never react well to being called anything but an Ash Elf. She might play tricks or toy with a single Ash Elf but she would never harm her people on a whole.
As her people's arch-enemies, Nathiel would never associate with a Plains Fae. She would never speak to them unless it is to torment them, she wouldn't be kind to them, she won't help them in any way.

Personality Characteristics


Nathiel wants to return home. She wants to take her place among her people, learn their ways and magics and be recognised for her prowess in them. She wants to experience the culture and land she spent her childhood dreaming of. She wants to forget her exiled childhood and be a true Ash Elf with exceptional skills that will make the circumstance of her childhood disregardable in the noble court and maybe even allow her to reclaim her family title.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Nathiel started sewing and crafting her own clothes from a young age so that she wouldn't have to wear human clothes. She has gotten very skilled at it after decades of honing her hobby. The same goes with her other hobby, crafting armour with leather and metals.
Nat has a natural talent for brewing potions. Over the years of her childhood she has tried brewing poisons from her books and has honed the craft over the years. Now it is one of her most refined skills. 

Nathiel has never in her life wielded a weapon. If someone were to hand her one, she wouldn't have a clue what to do with it.
Nat has incredibly high magic and the potential for even more and she has begun to teach herself to wield it but all her skills are learned from books. She has had no proper training, no guidance when she struggles and it shows it her skills. She is further ahead of her peers but still incredibly rusty.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Sewing
  • Leather/Armour craft
  • Magical beasts
  • Foggy days
  • Moths
  • Hexes and curses
  • Poisons
  • Being antagonising
  • The colour orange
  • Bright days
  • The colour yellow
  • Human culture
  • Getting dirty
  • The Cold
  • Righteousness
  • Poetry
  • The sound of birds in the morning
  • Being out of control

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Clear-Headed, Rational & Realistic
  • Brutally Honest
  • Clever & Smart
  • Adaptable
  • Hardworking
  • Perceptive
  • Observant
  • Good Listener
  • Elegant & Dignified
  • Dutiful
  • Cooperative
  • Tolerant & Patient
  • Superstitious

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Self-Critical
  • Liar
  • Spiteful
  • Manipulative
  • Envious
  • Vain
  • Jealous
  • Vindictive
  • Sarcastic

Personality Quirks

Nathiel spent her childhood in the human world and as a result, she understands the human world and the humans' emotions. She doesn’t feel them herself but a lifetime surrounded by them, pretending she feels them has led to her instinctively mimicking emotions and reacting how a human would.
Nat does her best to tamp this down. She hates that she does it but sometimes she still reacts as a human would or at least knows how they would.

It has become habit for Nat to recite human pop culture references she doesn't understand but has memorised for the sake of blending in. Nat finds these references idiotic and embarrassing but it has become habit and she is struggling to break it. The only one who understand the references in the Fae Realm her human friend, Ivy, who adores it.


Contacts & Relations

Ivy - Ivy is Nathiel's best friend. Their friendship started 5 years ago when Nat's mother forced them to live in a human neighbourhood under glamour to appear as though they aged. Nathiel has watched Ivy grow from teen to young adult and has a grudging affection for the girl but she assumed their friendship would die the day she returned home. Ivy is regards Nat as her best friend and only recently found out said best friend isn't human. Before she has assumed Nat was a human with a prickly demeanour.

Athan Underdall - The 3rd Prince of the Ash Fae. Athan and Nathiel formed a soul deep connection almost instantly upon their meeting. Even as babies they were connected as that connection has remained despite their separation in different realms. As toddlers they were inseparable and would have continued to be so had Saewel not been exiled. Both of them would die to protect the other and being reunited and remaining that way is a driving goal for them both.

Family Ties

Saewel - Nathiel's mother. Saewel was a consort of the Ash King before she provoked the Queen who sibsequently had her exiled on false charges. As her child, with no other parental to interfere, Nathiel had to go with her. Saewel never bothered to be a mother to her child and simply lived in proximity to her. It was only 5 years ago that she returned to interfere in her daughter's life. She forced her children into a human façade of a life, forcing Nat into a friendship with a human girl named Ivy.

Pan - Nathiel's baby brother. He was born 10 years after their exile to the Human Realm. The Ash King got bored without his favourite consort and sought her out for a fling. Their mother all but abandoned the babe once he was born and Nat was left to raise him. She did so, and raised her brother to be a true Ash Elf. He is cruel, antagonistic and spends his days toying with the humans around him. He chose his name after the human god, Pan. Nathiel is deeply proud of how he turned out. Without an adult family member to claim him, he cannot return to the Fae Realm.

Religious Views

As all Ash Folk do, Nathiel worships the Black Pantheon and its dark gods. She has always wondered if her strong magic is a result of her unwavering faith despite her exiled from her homeland.

Social Aptitude

Nathiel is a quiet person but not because she's shy. She's watchful; she observes and calculates and strikes with a quiet strength. She won't rage and yell, she'll calmly deliver a put down that cripples her opponent. She does get angry but she also gets even.
Nat's strong magic potential and her skills in respected areas has led to confidence in herself and quiet bravado about what she can do. That is also an Ash Folk trait; bravado and self confidence to an arrogant degree. Nat's arrogance is subtle and built of skills.
Nat has a refined manner. She is a noble and she acts like one. In the same vein she can maneuver social situations with the correct etiquette. She may not be as adept as those who grew up in the Ash Fae royal court but she can handle simple situations.


Nathiel has a naturally elegant manner. She is refined and graceful but she is also an Ash Fae. She is sarcastic and snide and mean and she more often than not she is antagonistic. She can be nice, she can be soft but it's rare and only for people she truly cares for.

Hobbies & Pets

Nathiel's favourite hobby and pastime is making clothes and armour from a range of materials. It is how she destresses, how she calms downs, how she enjoys her free time. Getting new materials is a big boost of excitement for her because she can use them for her craft.


Wealth & Financial state

Despite being born of a noble family, Nathiel has no wealth to her name. Her mother was disowned from their family line after her exile and as her child so was Nathiel. Whilst attending Nasrelts she is housed, fed and supported by the University but once she graduates she will need either a sponsor to claim her, granting her funds as one of their people or to be adopted back into her family with the approval of her relative.
Current Status
Attending Nazrelts
Steel Grey, sly and cunning
Long, sleek, white silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Black Pantheon

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