Swamplands Geographic Location in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The Swamplands are the homeland of the Blood Elves and Blood Low. It is a land of marshes and swamps surrounded by tropical beaches and jungles. It is known for it's dense, pathless foliage that very few outsiders are able to traverse.

The Blood Fae live mostly in huts built over and around the Swamp rivers. Every town is defended by walls of spikes. The huts likewise are built from wood but they are insulated from the rains of the Swamps by the hides of felled beasts. Every home with the Swamplands uses hides is some form or another, whether it be as roofing, as insulation, decorations or furniture.
The only outliers from the majority of Blood Fae architecture, are the port towns. The buildings in these towns are larger, more structured and urban. These port towns often have large markets and trading ports and boast many taverns and bars.
Typically these port cities are inhabited by a large number of pirate crews and all pirate ships that sail the Fae Realm make berth at one of the Swampland Port Cities. The port towns are somewhat of an anathema to the rest of the savage Swamplands. They are the most cultured and urban areas of the entire nation, serving as some of the largest trading ports in the Fae realm, even when half the ships docking there are their own pirate ships.
The inland tribes all have a stake in the port cities. They regularly sail down the rivers to the cities to trade their surplus resources at the markets and gain gold for their tribes. The port cities in turn rely on the tribes for wares from their hunts. With the tribes to supply them, they do not have to sail inland themselves to hunt beasts for their resources.


The Swamplands gets its name from the swamps that occupy the centre of the landmass. They are known for their myriad of dangerous beasts living within and for the treacherous instability of the land under one's feet. Very few non-natives can navigate the swamps without incurring fatal consequences and those that do can thank only luck. Th Swamplands are the only continent in the Fae Realm that is entirely flat and has no mountains of any kind.
The marshy land makes travel difficult even away from the many rivers. The landmasses between the rivers are small and often and the rivers intersect and cross.
All the rivers in the Swamplands are fed by the large rapid river separating the Swamplands and the Forests of Eldemur, known as the Kirmeda. The Kirmeda feeds into the Swamplands, dividing and splitting hundreds of times, losing strength as it does so. All of these rivers continue to wind and intersect until they reach the coast. As one gets closer to the coast from the centre, the foliage changes from swamp to jungle. The forests become lush, humid and dense and the waters of the rivers become clearer.
Once you reach the coast, you are greeted with tropical views of pristine white beaches and rolling blue seas. The coastlines are prone to large tropical storms that batter the jungles, beaches and seaside port towns. The port towns are known for their enjoyable warmth, lucrative fishing trawlers and numerous pirates ships that dock there.


The wild, untamed nature of the land gives rise to large populations of beasts. These beasts are not as rare nor as deadly as those found in the Southern Territories but still dangerous and likely fatal when encountered by anyone other than a trained warrior. 
The wild, dense lands both in the swamps and the jungles make it hard for hunters to track and cull beast populations. The Fae tribes hunt the beasts by setting traps, defending their villages against them or after spending the time to locate their dens, nesting grounds or feeding sites. Unlike the Southern Territories, where one need only walk into the wilderness to locate a beast, in the Swamplands one is more likely to be seen by the beast first and never set eyes upon it before being attacked.
That said the attacks on the tribes are frequent enough to supple them with a near constant supply of meat, pelts and resources for trade.

Ecosystem Cycles

One season a year the Swampland has their Wet Season. This season happens around summer and batter the region with storms, cyclones and flooding. The relatively slow and weak rivers inland grow deeper and larger and capable of inhabiting even more dangerous aquatic beasts than normal. There is large risk of flooding for all tribes living in land and more threat of magical beast attacks as they too are displaced by rising waters or floods.
On the coasts the wet season is known as Storm season. This is because whilst inland sees only more flooding and harsher rains, the coast is violently battered by cyclones that capsize ships, tear apart towns and whisk away unsuspecting Fae unlucky enough to be caught without cover. 
The Blood Fae as a rule are rarely cautious but Storm Season on the coasts prompt them all into wary planning and preparations just in case.

Fauna & Flora

Some of the flora found in the Swamplands include:
Plants Trees Fungi Herbs
Noxious lilac Germwood Green Elf’s cap Toxic Saffron
Marsh Bitterweed/Bittercress Twisted Strongbark Red-juice Polypore Venom Salt
Spider Moss Itching Birch Dyemaker's Lizard's Claw
Glowing Flax Dire Elm
Wickedberry Cave Mangrove
Mothweed Fever Sumac
Void Fairymoss
Bone Hibiscus
Cyst Cotton
Rot Shadbush
Corpse Dewberry
Creeping Feverfew
Stink Plant

Natural Resources

The beasts of the Swamp and jungles provide an abundant amount of hides, meat and bones for the tribes to make use of. 
When in need of other supplies, the Fae tend to fish from the rivers for food and weave fabrics from the materials of the swamp and jungles. In the port cities, they support themselves by trading wares but also by a large fishing trade.


The Swampland were settled after the Two Queens settled the first dispute of who would take over control. Unseelie followers of Una who had previously been attacked by Titania's followers didn't trust the peace and moved to a land that would give them a tactical advantage should they be attacked again. They set up defensive communities but were suspicious of others doing the same or those Fae who chose the Swampland because of environmental preference. The small groups eventually began warring among themselves and forgot about the outside threat.


The port cities bring large numbers of tourists for their markets and tropical climates. They serve as both trading hubs, vacation spots and also hot spots for criminal activities and lifestyles.

Wetland / Swamp
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species

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