The Cold Hunt Tradition / Ritual in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The Cold Hunt

During the volcanoes' inactive season, a nationwide hunt takes place.
The lack of ash being spewed out makes the agricultural efforts of the Fae impossible to continue. The crops have no fertiliser, the homes have no heat, the lava rivers run dry and can no longer act as barriers.
During this time the population of beasts roaming the lands increases exponentially. This is a result of both the breeding cycles of some beasts species and the lack of lava rivers and volcanic eruptions to keep numbers low. That same lack of volcanic activity also draws out the larger, more dangerous beasts who may have chosen to stay in their dens if there wasn't such a large supply of prey also venturing out. The Cold Hunt is a major event for the Ash Fae and their Southern Low Fae brethren as it severely reduces the number of monsters roaming their lands, making it safer for all.
The goods sold and produced in this season make for an influx of commerce as the by-products of the hunt are never wasted.
The rare and dangerous natures of the monsters in the South make these goods even more valuable.
Whilst monster hunting is common year round to keep the numbers manageable and for the loot it provides, this hunt is different as almost every Fae in the Territory take part in some way. This includes farmers having work in their off-season, merchants buying and selling the products, crafters using the resources for their wares, warriors earning prowess for their monster hunting feats and magic users collecting ingredients for their spells.
The goods sold and produced in this season make for an influx of commerce as the by-products of the hunt are never wasted. The rare and dangerous natures of the monsters in the South make these goods even more valuable.


It is not documented in memory nor text when the first hunt happened but scholars speculate the tradition developed naturally as Fae took the opportunity to cut down the monsters numbers without the threat of the volcanoes. With each dormant season they repeated the process until it became tradition. 
With the rise on beast numbers that comes with the dormant season, it is clear why the Fae would see the need for a large hunt when the opportunity presented itself each year.


Everyone in the land participates in the Hunt in some way. The crafters use the resources gained. The merchants sell these wares after the hunt and even more so beforehand as hunters prepare. Locals not hunting assist with clear cutting the burnt trees in preparation. Farmers not able to work their fields without the ash of the volcanoes temporarily swap professions to feed their families and make income.
Hunters come from far and wide to participate and near every Fae in the region has hunted in a Cold Hunt at least once before.
The numbers of Fae not hunting have never exceeded that of those that are across the entire territory.


There is a quite a bit of preparation that must be made in advance for the Cold Hunt. Since the hunt begins as soon as the Volcanoes are dormant and these preparation are made, they must be done as quickly as possible once the lava stops.
This prep work also a mini burst of economy before the large influx provided by the the Hunt.
This includes deforesting of burnt trees from the eruptions for firewood as they prepare for the lack on heating in their homes. Clearing these charred forest areas also makes for more visibility when the beasts emerge and the hunting begins.
The hunters taking part in the season also add to the economy when they repair and buy their weapons and supplies in preparation of the continuous hunts. Many prefer to keep a large stock of weapons handy in case of breakages.
It is also customary to prepare food stores for influx of meat. The cooks responsible for the stores need to be ready to preserve the meat as soon as it arrives so that they can last the whole cold season without crops.
Lastly whilst clearing the forests, Fae will also build makeshift temporary bridges across the then empty lava river craters. They do so in advance so that when in the middle of a hunt, Fae will not need to pause to climb down and then across the crevasse left by the empty rivers. These temporary bridges burn away once the lava returns.
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