The South Geographic Location in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The South

The South, also known as the Southern Territories are the home land of the Ash Fae and the Ash Low. It is a harsh, volcanic land covered in dead plants, trees and hoards of monsters. The land is often covered in a layer of ash from the regular volcanic eruptions.
The land is known for its large populations of rare and dangerous beasts.

The Ash Fae and the Low Fae inhabiting the Southern Territories all revolve their lives around the large volcanoes in the centre of their lands. Their infrastructure, their architects, their ways of life; all depend on the volcanoes. Their homes are heated by the thermal vents under the earth. Their crops are fertilised by the ash in the air. They mine the mountains and harvests the lands for natural goods created only in proximity to the volcanos. They hunt the monsters attracted to the volcanic energy and sell their by-products.

They all grow up accustomed to the imminent threat of eruption, earthquakes and random thermal vent openings and this near constant threat of death is what led to the Ash Fae devoting themselves to the Black Pantheon.

Ash Fae and Low Ash never live in homes made from wood or anything that could burn. Even the lowest and poorest in the nation has a home of stone, if they choose to live in a house that is. Some Ash low choose to live in cave systems or nests of their own making. But not a single building, from the palace fortress in Lalarius to the smallest hut in the smallest farming village is made from anything but stone, slate or obsidian.


The South has three main volcanoes at the centre of the landmass and some smaller ones dotted around the borderlines between landmasses. These 3 volcanoes regularly and violently erupt, covering the entire territory with layers of ash and forming near permanent rivers of lava across the land.
The eruptions also leave entire forests burnt and dead. Some of these trees are capable of surviving this. Others are not and require to be cleared each year.
The entire territory has thermal vents under the ground that lead directly to the volcanoes. These vents provide natural heating for Fae homes.
There are some areas of flora and forests impervious to the lava and thrive with the ash coverage. These flora have a somewhat sinister look and often appear dead or poisonous.

  Along the west coast of the Southern Territories are a series of floating islands. These islands are rich with magical crystal and rare flora and are rife with dangerous beasts.


The volcanic activity draws in large populations of monsters and beasts. They thrive among the dead forests, magma rivers and underground thermal vents and require constant hunting to keep the numbers manageable. An annual Territory wide hunt cuts down large numbers so that the daily hunting can work. 
The wide variance of monsters provides an even wider range of resources that can be harvested from them.

Ecosystem Cycles

For one season a year the volcanoes go dormant. The lack of ash being spewed out makes the agricultural efforts of the Fae impossible to continue. The crops have no fertiliser, the homes have no heat, the lava rivers run dry and can no longer act as barriers.
During this time the population of beasts roaming the lands increases exponentially. This is a result of both the breeding cycles of some beasts species and the lack of lava rivers and volcanic eruptions to keep numbers low. That same lack of volcanic activity also draws out the larger, more dangerous beasts who may have chosen to stay in their dens if there wasn't such a large supply of prey also venturing out.
During this time, a nationwide hunt takes place. This purge is a major event for the Southern Fae as it severely reduces the number of monsters roaming their lands, making it safer for all.
The goods sold and produced in this season make for an influx of commerce as the by-products of the hunt are never wasted. The rare and dangerous natures of the monsters in the South make these goods even more valuable.
Whilst monster hunting is common year round, both for the loot it provides and to keep the numbers manageable, this hunt is different as almost every Fae in the Territory take part in some way. This includes farmers having work in their off-season, merchants buying and selling the products, crafters using the resources for their wares, warriors earning prowess for their monster hunting feats and magic users collecting ingredients for their spells.

There is also a mini burst of industry before the volcanic quiet season as the Fae prepare for it. This includes deforesting of burnt trees from the eruptions for firewood as they prepare for the lack on heating in their homes. Clearing these charred forest areas also makes for more visibility when the beasts emerge and the hunting begins. The hunters taking part in the season also add to the economy when they repair and buy their weapons and supplies in preparation of the continuous hunts.

Localized Phenomena

The Southern Territories boasts the largest number of species and populations of beasts and monsters. The yearly nationwide hunt combined with the regular eruptions and magma rivers keep the populations manageable.

On the coasts of the Southern Territories are the only instances of Floating Landmasses. These islands are rich with magic crystals and rare monsters not found anywhere else. The exact reason for their floating has never been uncovered but all the islands are only accessible by sky. They also hold flora that grows only on the islands.

Fauna & Flora

The South has many plants, flowers and herbs and mushrooms that grows only from the volcanic ash. The farm crops that that the Fae cultivate were specifically chosen because of how they flourish with the Ash as fertiliser.
One of the most famous flowers to grow in the South is the Firebloom, also known as the Flash Flare. This glowing, star shaped flower can be found in various colours including blue, orange and violet. It has gained renown because the flower glows in the dark and is still more vibrant in the day than any other flower. They grow near the magma river or in fields that get build ups of volcanic ash. Some believe they spawn from embers spewing from the volcanoes among the ash that hit the ground and plant a seed.
Another famous plant is the Dusk Flower from the South, known for it's many uses in dark potions. This deep purple flower grows only in the cemeteries where the Ash Fae place memorials for their ancestors that allow those ancestors passage to return. The flower grows in long stalks covered in bell-like blooms that ooze a dark nectar. Almost every part of this plant has a use in potion making or hexes and spells.
Some of the other flora found in the South include:
Plants Trees Fungi Herbs
Nightshadow (Dusk Flower) Dusk Aspen Fan Orange Elf-cup Fire Mint
Hempain Hollow Hawthorne Dyemaker's Lizard's Claw Ash Herb
Ghost Nettle Dire Elm Veiled Cup Fungus Venom Salt
Corpse Dewberry Fanged Willow Red-juice Polypore Fumewrath
Rot Shadbush Woodbone Midnight Lactarius Witch's Sorrel
Bone Hibiscus Twilight Willow Blue Spindles
Luminous Hair Dyemaker's Fairy Cups
(blue, magenta, purple)
Void Fairymoss Carbon Prince
(orange and pink)
Bone pepper
Skulking Nightshade
Glowing Flax
Spider Moss
Master Deadnettle
Pixy Huckleberry
Ash Hibiscus
Flash Flare
Crystal Vine

Natural Resources

The resources harvested from the beast hunts are used for nearly everything in the South and even the other continents. The pelts, hides, meats, bones and venom and everything else all have a use. These can range from weapon, armour and clothing materials, to food ingredients and spell and potions ingredients to poisons and curse totems. 
The resources on their own fetch a high price even before being used for craft. The products they are used in are even more expensive.
Magic ore crystals can be mined from deep below the volcanoes. These ores are not as powerful as primordial crystals and can therefore be wielded or used to boost a Fae's magic. They are quite rare however and therefore quite expensive.
The volcanoes have a wealth of resources that can be mined from within them. These includes rare metals and ores such as obsidian. Obsidian can only be found in the South and is utilised for many uses such as weaponry and magic staffs to building materials and decoration. 
Obsidian has a special connection to the inhabitants of the South. When wielded by an Ash a weapon or staff is somehow more graceful and powerful compared to in the hands of a different kind of Fae for whom it feels clunky and unstable.
The weapons and armour made in the South fetch a high price. They typically tend to be made with the rare metals from the volcanoes or the equally rare resources harvested from dangerous beasts that others can hunt. These weapons are typically better quality as a result of their rare materials and bring a great deal of income to the South as others clamour to have one.


The Eastern coast towns have large trader, crafter and merchant populations. These towns have ports where ships from all the other territories dock to do business and trade. The wares sole in these port towns are known for the refinement and quality of their goods.
As a result they typically have higher tourist levels than other Southern Territory settlements.
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