the Pirate King Rank/Title in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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the Pirate King

There has not always been a Pirate King nor will there always be.
The pirates of the Blood Fae are unruly and fractured. They are law unto themselves and listen to no one but their own captain. The are only two people capable of exerting complete control over all the pirates. 
The first is the Warlord; the leader of the entire Blood Folk nation. 
The second is the Pirate King.
A Pirate King is rare. They are the fae to whom all pirates respect and bow to. They are the strongest of the pirates. A person who has achieved great deeds in the eyes of their brethren. They have won battles and victories with cunning and strength as no other Pirate captain has.
A Pirate King has been named only 5 times in the history of the Fae.
Once named the King is regarded by the Blood Folk much in the same way as a Tribe Chief. The pirates become their clan and they are responsible for their people's actions and conduct. They have the right to command and order the pirates to certain actions and plots like captain commanding their crew. 
The last King to be named before the current one lived nearly 13 centuries ago.


The naming of a Pirate King is done informally, with no ceremony or flare. It is done through whispers and gossip, by tales of respect and awe. There have been many times that a well-respected captain has had their own crew call them King but for that to spread, to be accepted as true among other crews, both those that know the captain and those that don't; that makes a King. There is no sense of handing down the title after death either as the title is purely honorific.


The King is the one to whom the pirates turn for answers and guidance in times of trouble (if a King is named at that time). And they command the 'fleet' of pirates if they so choose. But most commonly the King is a pirate captain first and foremost, and that is their day-to-day life.


The King has the right to make decisions over pirate debates and conflicts and can command any and all Blood Folk pirate ships.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A King that takes advantage of the power granted to them can be deposed by the other pirates in the way of death.


In recent years, whispers of a new Pirate King have spread across the Realm, prompting the Warlord to investigate. The Warlord set sail for three months, and was reportedly seen in many of the port cities of the Swamplands, listening to the tales and rumours of the new King and asking for their location.
After the Warlord returned, he confirmed that there is indeed a new Pirate King, known only to his people as Captain Lynk.

Cultural Significance

All four Fae Courts view the appointment of a Pirate King differently.
For the Blood Court to whom the King belongs, it is a sign of good fortune to come; of plentiful hauls and treasures to be brought to their shores by organised pirates crews and that should those crews become too unruly even for the near feral Blood Folk, there is someone to control them.
For the Ash Folk it is both an amusement and an irritation. For a monarchical society, the concept of a King of Pirates is funny to them, especially when that King is not actually the highest power in that land. However since they trade in goods often, their ships are sometimes attacked by the pirates and those pirates being more organised than before is quite annoying.
For the forest Court, a Pirate King is quite simply a terror. They are the favourite victims of the Blood Court and it is rarer for a ship of theirs to not be attacked than otherwise. The idea of a higher power commanding the terrifying and blood thirsty pirates that plague them, is horrifying.
The Pirate King is the bane of Plains Court. They have the largest export business of all 4 Courts and given how hated they are by the Unseelie Courts it is no surprised that they are set upon regularly. They are harder prey than the Forest Court ships but much more lucrative for the pirates and therefore, a better prize. An organised pirate culture means to them, that it will be harder to defend their ships and trade routes. Most often, they can easily fight off one or two pirate ships. But every pirate crew under the command on one person? That makes life so much harder.
Civic, Honorific
Currently in Use
Form of Address
Captain or Captain "Name"
Equates to
Tribe Chief
Source of Authority
Respect and Strength
Length of Term
Until unseated/killed
Reports directly to
Related Locations

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