Una's Blade Item in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Una's Blade

The Unseelie Queen's sword. It is the sword she carried with her into battle against the Unseelie and the sword gifted to her by her Father, the mad King.

She carried this sword into the final battle against her sister.

A very long, thick, smooth blade made of obsidian is held by a grip wrapped in expensive, grey scaled leather.
Dual-edged and razor-sharp, this weapon is the Unseelie choice. The blade has a narrow, warped cross-guard, adding just enough weight to make sure the blade sits firmly in the owner's hand and protecting those same hands as well. The cross-guard has a gilded spider on each side, a clear sign this weapon belongs to someone important.
A large pommel is decorated with silver gilded linings, this weapon is clearly meant for an important figure. The blade itself is bare. No decorations of any sorts are on it. A sheathed sword is a hidden blade and a sword in use will be dirty and bloody, so only the hilt needs decorations.
This weapon is used by a Queen. An excellent weapon for the defence of her people.

Manufacturing process

This sword is one of the only remaining relics of the Primordial Fae. It's craftsmanship is more refined and splendid than even Fae craftsmanship.


The blade wielded by the Unseelie Queen before her death. It is an ancient relic lost to time.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Related ethnicities
One of a kind.
2 lb (910 g)
20 inches in length
Base Price

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