The High Ocean Geographic Location in The Flying Flux | World Anvil

The High Ocean

Home to the legendary Planar and greatest of the Flying Flux's oceans, the High Ocean is a world-renowned landmark of the Highlands.


During the Fluxuation Era, Chazos had attempted to make a sensible world. The god had even go so far as to roll the highlands up into a point on the outside of Flux, so the previous cylindrical "O" shape became an awkward "d" and allowed water to gather in the V-like bowl.

Fauna & Flora

A large variety of fish (including the legendary Planar) occupy this ocean, not to mention the various unique plants and fungi. Some mages claim that the High Ocean contains more life than all five lands combined.




  • CarBar (including Aport)
    CarBar is home to countless merchants and sailors.
Alternative Name(s)
Occasionally called the "H.O." by those who work at merchant ports.
Location under
Included Organizations


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