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Session 26 - New Companions


  • Osh Smexy
  • Alvira
  • About 5 hours out of Ambervern - we’ve hired Alvira to guide us through the forest, and she spots a campfire with a sole (rather attractive) male tiefling - Troy!
  • Osh welcomes us to his fire, immediately sizes us up to see who’s got the best stuff to steal, sees Jalan’s loaded and licks his lips
  • Osh extends his hand to Fritz who takes it...he then grabs her by the wrists and tries to swing her around in circles around him
    • For the first time in like 24 sessions she deploys her “Try-To-Move-Me-Now Spikes”, he can’t - she grabs him real hard by the forearms, looks into his eyes, and menacingly says “if you try to do that to me again I will rip your balls off with my bare hands”
  • Alvira goes up to Osh and asks how he is, where he’s coming from, what he does for work
    • Jalan asks if he happens to be a member of a certain crime syndicate in Ambervern, Osh says no, he’s an independently funded individual who’s very, very...very…….very-
      • DM: “very WHAT” (we’re all getting used to new character RPs)
  • Drant, who’s not paying attention IRL so screw that, Alvira spots some of the weird elk monster hybrids flying above us
    • A: “So uh...any of you have any insights?”
    • F: “Yeah. They suck.”
    • (Peryton)
  • Goliath boi shows up, leans up against a tent and casually says hi
    • Fritz takes up her hammer and takes a defensive stance
    • Jalan Hides
    • Osh reads the situation and realizes we know this guy, but not in a good way
  • Apparently was looking around Ambervern for us because he met some very interesting people who said something about “oh, he stole all our money, blah blah…”
    • Fritz looks for Jalan, can’t find him, swears under her breath
  • Osh approaches him, Goliath boi spits at his feet and insults his profession
    • Osh tries to impress him with accomplishments, GB interrupts him and demands that we hand over all our money and the Artifacts and he won’t unleash his pet and archers and companion on us
    • Fritz tells him he’s delusional, he makes a motion and tries to magic-pull her to the ground but she resists
    • Jalan tries to sneak around the back, but he notices (“I’ve seen stealthier children where I come from”)
  • Jalan protests that he’ll never take Zavala (she’s super surprised he got the name right on the first try) and feels something tighten around his throat and lift him into the air, he manages to wiggle out a moment later - the goliath says “A shame. I’ll just pull them out of your cold, dead hands.” ROLL INITIATIVE


  • Round 1
    • There’s a group of six orcs to the north and the south, and a large group of archers to the west, two perytons circling above, and a massive black knight to the northwest with three massive ogre things on chains
      • Oh fuck
    • Jalan’s mercenaries form a phalanx and begin marching towards the archers
    • Goliath boi whistles to the perytons, a ranger up in the northeast corner casts some sort of plant growth that makes the entire campsite rough terrain
    • Osh says “fuck this (I don’t even know how my character works) I’m in self-preservation mode”
      • DM takes the wheel for a bit: he uses his glamour ability and yells at the peryton to “STOP!” but it passes its save, he casts Tasha’s Hideous Laughter as his action - it fails that save and now plummets making some weird huffing sound that could be conceived as laughter
    • Vincent casts Bless on a few nearby people, and he, Robin and Fritz start moving westward with Jalan’s mercenaries towards the group of archers
    • Gregory spots the orcs to the north and starts running that way, they run down to meet him
    • Alvira runs north past Osh and behind Gregory and casts Booming Blade
    • The goliaths to the south run north but can’t get in range of anyone, the archers release their first volley and Isabelle, Meghan, and Zavala, the second peryton is pissed that its friend went down and starts diving towards Alvira, who’s closest to its friend
  • Round 2
    • Jalan’s mercenaries make their way towards a line of orcs to the west that we didn’t even notice because on the map they camouflaged so well with the foliage, and take swings - Jalan himself begins climbing a tree to get a vantage point and shoots one of his one-time special arrows at the black knight
    • The ranger off in the distance commands peryton to swoop down towards Alvira, Gregory takes a swipe at it as it flies by, doesn’t seem to deal as much damage as we’d hope
    • Osh tells the ranger to “sleep” and gives himself, Gregory, and Alvira a moment of inspiration and 8 temp hp and the ability to run half movement
    • Fritz retcons running west and runs south instead (bc she really didn’t see those guys down there), Robin Helps her and she shoots up with adrenaline and smacks a bitch
    • Vincent heals Isabelle, Zavala, and Meghan and yells at them to take cover, then Guiding Bolts one of the dudes by Fritz; Gregory up north risks it for the biscuit and takes out one of the orcs up there
    • Alvira runs up and stabs her sword into the peryton’s heaving laughing chest and its laughter dies as it does, then she runs to cover
    • The black knight turns his ‘pets’ to Jalan in the tree, only the troll can reach but it crits
    • The orcs in the south surround Fritz and Robin, hit Robin and crit on Fritz
    • The archers fire on Jalan’s mercenaries…..but Phil’s asleep
      • DM: “That’s all, folks”
Plot type

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