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Session 30 - Finally Out Of This Gosh Dang Temple

Plot points/Scenes

(ALMOST) COMBAT - God Damnit Fritz

  • Drant casts Hold Person on Fritz and she fails her save, Jalan disarms then grapples her and now it's a mental struggle for Fritz between saving from Leeroy Jenkins and Drant's spell
    • It's a rough struggle even with her gnome advantage, but she eventually crits on her save against Drant, then immediately crits on her save against Leeroy Jenkins
  • Jalan puts her back down on the floor (he was holding her in the air so her feet couldn't touch the floor), she sort of collapses and begs that we finally take a rest
  • Zuvilriun runs in from the front entrance panicking about the Oni who grew to big size again and that it's chasing him, then runs behind us
    • Kill it or run and and hide
  • We all run back to the hidden Morpheus temple to take a rest
    • Nancy is petting her doggies who're covered in blood, the dude in the corner is now just a skeleton
    • Nancy does some sort of prayer which gives Drant (and Jalan?) an extra damage dice when in the darkness for the next little bit
    • Jalan asks for a tattoo, Nancy offers him an actual magical cult tattoo but he just wanted like a club member tattoo to flash around
    • Drant asks if Nymph can be a part of the cult too
      • Nancy (to Nymph): "If you can understand what I'm saying, stand up on your hind legs."
      • *Nymph does nothing*
      • Nancy: "She cannot take simple orders. When she can understand and converse in intellectual conversation with me, I will think about it"
    • We station Zuvilriun at the entrance to the secret area so he doesn't go deeper into the crazy temple
    • Fritz physically cannot be in that blood temple so stays in the office area, and talks Vincent into staying up here to keep her company
      • V: "Where are Jalan and Drant?"
      • F: "Um....down...there."
      • V: "Why are they down there? I'll go check it out-"
      • F: "NO!"
      • Fritz starts telling some lie about how they're just curious, Vincent calls her out and she relents, says she's really upset at them and just wants to ignore the situation and wants him to as well
        • V: "Oh no. I can't think of anything that would make you that upset at them...*gasp!* is Jalan doing mean things to women down there??"
        • F: "Nah, Jalan doesn't need to be underground to do that kind of stuff"
        • J: "HOLD UP"
      • Vincent just asks for a convincing lie for peace of mind, she tells him there's a tomb down there and they're pilfering the bodies, he is actually impressed with how believable that is, goes and sits in a corner and pulls out a little book titled "The Big Book of Heimdall" (I literally forgot what it was called) and just leafs through it, smiling to himself every once in awhile

END REST - Let's Finish This

  • We go to leave, DM makes Drant make a perception check, he fails, but we remember Nymph has 10 foot blindsight - the oni that was following us is invisible right by the door
    • Drant doesn't give away that he knows, then Nymph Webs it, Drant hits it and everybody else goes ham, with the finishing blow once more being Nymph's poison, so he's paralyzed for another hour
    • We briefly discuss what to do with him, then Jalan goes "oh noooo he's dead dead for real oh no" and we turn around and sure enough his throat is slit; Zuvilriun goes and gets a few whacks in the face for good measure
  • Jalan tries to talk Zuvilriun into leading the next charge because he's so good at killing these things, he almost does but crit succeeds on a wisdom check to see through Jalan's bullshit and doesn't
  • We all line up and get ready to charge...


  • Round One
    • Gregory leads the charge (using our new combat rules), gets in but can't attack, Jalan follows suit and Faerie Fires the two trolls in the middle (the cyclops we saw earlier is still against the far wall) - Jalan also notices that the two trolls appear to have some weird callus crown things on their heads but can't discern their nature, Fritz Overdrive shoots up with Adrenaline (and succeeds! 2 for 2! What's happening?!) and dashes in, Alvira dashes in and Green Flame Blades one of the trolls, the flames jump from that one to the next (ooh! The crowns!), Drant on Nymph crawls in on the ceiling and Thorn Whips one of them upwards, they take a teeny bit of damage as they fall
    • The trolls are pissed, and go to unleash all attacks on Alvira who lit them on fire, but one tries to leave Gregory's range and gets booped hard and can't move, so hits Gregory instead; the cyclops also runs across the room and unleashes on Alvira, actually knocking her unconscious, the two doors on either side of the room suddenly blast open - there are two Grawlies (DM can't pronounce what they're actually called, they're the giant dudes who randomly attack things that we encountered in the last combat) in one door, and a stone giant dreamwalker in the other - Jalan, Vincent, and Gregory have to make Charisma saves against his sleepy dreamtime effect, Vincent's the only one that fails which sucks because he's the one who needs to help Alvira
  • Round Two
    • Drant casts Slow on the whole group of trolls and cyclops in the middle, they all fail (DOPE Nymph Webs the stone giant who fails his save
    • Alvira fails a death save, but Jalan rushes in and drags her to safety
    • Gregory and Fritz jointly go ham on the troll between them but can't down it
    • Vincent succeeds on his save against the stone giant's dreaminess but can't do anything
    • The dreamwalker can't manage to break out of Nymph's Webs and is stuck there, the troll Fritz/Gregory attacked attacks Gregory and hits; the other troll tries to move through Alvira's owl and kills it but can't do anything else, the two Grawlies charge in the room, one attacks the troll who got Alvira's owl and one goes for the cyclops
  • Round Three
    • Vincent moves over to Alvira and brings her up, she runs up to the troll who got her owl and Green Flame Blades the troll, which goes through him to the Grawlie behind it
    • Jalan runs up and stabs the other troll, and kills it - or almost, Fritz smashes a half bottle of vodka over it and lights it on fire with her hasted action, now it's dead, she uses the rest of her attacks against the remaining troll, so does Gregory
    • Drant takes Nymph to the side a little and Thorn Whips the troll and kills it, and it's dead dead because of Alvira's fire
    • The stone giant finally breaks free of the webs and moves up in front of Jalan and Fritz, then whispers some freaky shit, the two Grawlies make a beeline for Gregory and almost kill him, the Cyclops goes for Fritz but can't hit cause she's extra beefy
  • Round Four
    • Drant on the ceiling moves to the other side of the Grawlies and Thorn Whips them both back away from Gregory, but not before Gregory gets in a couple of attacks and crits, making everybody but that Grawlie have disadvantage on attacks that round
    • Jalan hits the stone giant, Fritz does as well, gets a twinkle in her eye when she realizes she can attempt to Overdrive a technology she hasn't built yet...
    • Alvira does another guerilla attack and runs back into the hallway, Gregory also goes into full retreat
    • Vincent runs into the middle of the fray and attempts to do Word of Radiance on the Grawlies who both save
    • The stone giant and the cyclops both attempt to attack Fritz but completely fail, the two Grawlies try to go for Vincent and get one hit between the two of them, but one of them crit fails and kills himself with the backswing
  • Round Five
    • Jalan attacks the stone giant
    • Nymph is newly charmed by the stone giant and is commanded to move to it, Drant dismounts
    • Fritz attempts to Overdrive Air in the Bloodstream but fails badly, takes damage, then attacks the cyclops with her remaining attacks
    • Gregory shouts "I AIN'T A BITCH" and runs up to the Grawlie, Vincent goes between the cyclops and the Grawlie and hits them both with Word of Radiance, Zuvilriun actually runs in and tries to be useful, and hits the Grawlie
    • The stone giant reaches up and touches Nymph, who fails her save, she starts to turn to stone and merge with the giant, Zuvilriun is charmed by the giant and moves closer, also getting touched by and merging with the giant
      • D: "....that's....that's gonna make me mad"
    • The Grawlie rolls the "attack everything within 10 feet of me" option, Gregory was smart and did his Blade Ward Precognition and with Heavy Armor Master only takes 6 damage, Fritz gets annihilated by a crit but is still up, Vincent doesn't even get hit,
  • Round Six
    • Gregory attacks the Grawlie, Vincent gets Fritz up and Word of Radiances the cyclops and the Grawlie dies
    • Alvira rapiers the cyclops(?) and kills it
    • Fritz unleashes four attacks (action surge) against the cyclops and crits once, then attempts to once more Overdrive air in the bloodstream but fails again and knocks herself out
    • Phil falls asleep
    • Drant is in a blood rage and calls on Morpheus as a new initiate to help him get his revenge, seems somewhat favorable, he is now wreathed in shadow (dim light)
    • The stone giant unleashes two attacks against Jalan, he's okay
  • Round Seven
    • Everybody goes ham on the stone giant who's the only one left, Gregory is useless and crit fails but rolls things that don't affect him, with everybody's combined efforts, Alvira charges in, vaults off Fritz, and stabs a dagger into its eye

OUT OF COMBAT - we barely made it through that one

  • Drant cries out and immediately runs to Nymph, he can feel her life force but he can't get her out, he starts trying to chip her out of it
    • Fritz comes in with her hammer and chisel and carefully chisels her out, and Zuvilriun too
      • Gregory makes a little sled out of a cloth and drags Zuvilriun along
    • Vincent and Alvira deduce that what's happened to Nymph is petrification - a higher up of Vincent's order might be able to help, and Alvira knows that Greater Restoration is what's needed
    • Vincent confronts Drant on Morpheus
      • V: "what did you shout just now? Are you a heathen?"
      • D: "You're only alive because of us heathens!"
      • They have a pissing contest where Fritz steps in the middle (V: "you're knowingly working with these heathens?!") and she clarifies that yes, this is why she's pissed, she's not really consented to this, Vincent declares that he'll "barely tolerate Drant as a fellow humanoid and will never use his healing magic on him again," Fritz says this is a more than fair compromise, he storms off
    • Sneaky boi comes in and says he's impressed with us, Fritz is done listening to his bullshit so goes and explores both of the side rooms
      • In the room the Grawlies came out of, there's a chest full of giant Grawlie limbs and giant stitching supplies, and vats, and containers....well, now we know how that happened
      • The other side room is a giant an office, for a giant
        • Fritz enlists Jalan's help to search the desks and whatnot and find a whole bunch of little single-use magic items
          • Spell scroll for skywrite, able to be cast by anyone regardless of a caster or not
          • Orb of Druidcraft
          • Two spell scrolls of create/destroy water
          • One spell scroll magic missile
          • Golden beetle with magical aura
          • Anklet of Zephyr strike
            • Requires attunement, 2 charges at dawn
          • Four potions of minor healing
          • Wand of chastising (action, two spectral hands can appear and backhand two creatures within 30 feet, does 2d4 bludgeoning damage)
    • Drant confronts sneaky boi on why he just stood back and watched, sneaky boi retaliates that the spider is not one of them so he owed her nothing
  • We leave and head back to the village (Fritz walks next to Vincent instead of the other two along the way)
    • We get back and get a long rest (good god...)
    • Vincent goes through the rest of his spell slots on everybody but Drant
    • Drant dishes out his healing to Jalan and Alvira and Gregory
    • By the end of it, Gregory's half dead and Fritz is missing a small chunk of her health but everybody else is full
  • We discuss levelling up since the last time was after getting the Millennium Spellbook but since Phil's asleep it shall wait...until session 30
Plot type

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