Report 4: Trouble at the Tower

General Summary

After learning of a recent wrecking west of Farhold, at Mai's Space, a party of four brave adventurers assembled to head through the Fenhollow to determine what was amiss. After consulting the Rusk Map, they set out to the a tower to the west, not knowing exactly where it was.   Though the weather was fair, the party quickly learned the perils of the wilds by having to avoid multiple goblin patrols while camping between the coastal dunes and the dangerous fen inland of it. For two nights they succeeded, before being eventually ambushed by an ambitious group of goblins that did not perceive the clever watch positioned in the trees above. A fight ensued.   After shouting common loudly, slowly, and insistently at a goblin that clearly doesn't speak it, the party neutralized the threat and moved onto what they would come to know as the Wrecker's Tower. Along the way they began to find wreckage from Founder's Bay. They deduced it was from the lost ship, and vowed to press on.   The following night their search was proven fruitful, as they discovered a pair of shipwrecked survivors: a dragonborn and her lover. With knowledge of the wreck and a thirst for understanding, if not vengeance, the pair joined the party. Now, six they made. Well, seven, if you include Handy Randy, and eight if you include Buckles, which you should.   With the tower in sight, the party spent the evening watching and recording the cadence of patrols in and out of the Wrecker's Tower. Most importantly, the tower was no longer manned by Lizardfolk and Kobolds, but by the same goblins that ambushed them in the swamps the night before. The party also noted the layout and architecture and moved to the south. There, they found a basement door- and goblin arrows.   After an ambush, the party silenced the attackers and moved to the door, barred from the outside. The druid drew upon an owl for reconnaissance, which told them that on cold nights such as these, the goblins huddled together near fires wherever possible. On the other side of the door were Lizardfolk voices. After a negotiation, the lizardfolk decided that "Some disciples are better than no disciples" and agreed to be neutral to the party in exchange for being let out. Understanding that the prisoners meant revenge, the party let the folk out, who marveled at the presence of the Dragonborn barbarian of the group, acting as if they had never seen one of her kind. With a glance back, they looked ahead to vengeance.   The group pushed underground into the unfinished caves below the tower complex. Inside they discovered another prison cell- this one encasing a much less diplomatic species. Feared to be a gnoll, the denizen was left alone while the group explored.   Eventually, the party fully explored the subterranean complex- but not before discovering a large sea cave discovered by past adventurers. The cave, though limestone, had an altar of granite. Gutters carved from the rock ran from the altar to the sea. Under the water of the cave were deep gouges clawed into the rock, approximately a half foot apart each, as if something had tried to crawl from the sea to land. The party resolved to use the rough construction of the tower's outer wall to their advantage and scale the tower that held the light from the outside.   Shortly thereafter the party were at the top. As the weather had turned cold, the guard of the light was alone without a fire, as the owl had predicted. They quickly dispatched the guard and prepared to pounce on the guards of the second floor before they heard a ruckus from below- the sound of the lizardfolk fighting the goblinoids that had retaken the tower and had perhaps imprisoned the lizardfolk in their lairs. Nevertheless, the party provided overwatch, securing the tower and raining death from above. In the end, only the party and two lizardfolk remained.   After realizing the scouting parties were not to return, the party searched the complex and recovered not only gold, weapons, and a few minor magical items, but also the Glowing Orb itself. They held this in a cloak, after realizing it could not be easily glued to a stick. From there, they returned to Farhold to tell their tale.

Rewards Granted

Liquid bullet, water  x2
Liquid bullet, wine x2
Guiding Arrow x 2
Chain shirt x 1
Sunrod x 1

Missions/Quests Completed

Extinguish the light from the coast.
Report Date
31 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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