Bref of Uri's folk Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Bref of Uri's folk

Bref is a dour woman who spends most of her time at a forge, workshop or pub. She is an excellent Smith, Mason and does some leatherwork. She uses her Warhammer for smithing and with each item forged her hammer grows with slag adding to its face. At all times, on her back or in her hand is her shield, carved with dwarves' runes if you speak dwarvish they tell of the lineage of Urí's folk and the escape from the glittering halls. Keeping herself to herself Bref may have bonded slightly with anyone who is a warrior. Even then she keeps herself guarded and divulges nothing of her past.   Bref spent time in Ypakar apprenticed to a Smith working there and would occasionally get into bar brawls.   Bref has displayed no signs of practising any faith.  

Team Roles:

Social: Bref has distinct respect for the chain of command but beyond that, she seems to be distant from everyone. Exploration: Bref is skilled with many tools and is a proficient Smith, leatherworker and Mason. Combat: Bref is full-on muscle/tank although she has some experience leading teams in combat she doesn't like it.   Bref's playlist Escaping Fate  

The Glittering Chambers

Since the reported discovery of Aglarond, The Glittering Chambers, it has come to light that Bref is on the run from a possible assassination attempt, due to her mother (who she is not on good terms with) being the ruler of a dwarven settlement outside of the Vale, and Bref's status as a potential heir. She has mentioned having siblings.   Bref has stated that she is uninterested in politics/titles and quite frankly would rather just be left alone to craft Cool Shit.   However, she feels a duty to explore the report of the Chambers being discovered, as she is a direct decendent of Uri, one of the Founders, and the Chambers themselves are a legend amongst the dwarvish people, a kind of promised land they fled from and would return to.   Bref has recently revealed that she comes from The Upplands.


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