The Upplands Settlement in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The Upplands

The home of the Dwarves outside of The Vale. The Upplands was constructed about 1500 years ago, after the dwarves fled Aglarond, The Glittering Chambers. It is a settlement hewn from the mountains far to the south east of Anglwyrd Crossing and is an organised, strong and structured society with a population in excess of 5000 people.   The Upplands are ruled by the Quintarchy made up of Argold’s Folk, Nimrod’s Folk, Ravanag’s Folk, Uri’s Folk, and Yndaro’s Folk.  

Trivia, all from Bref's information

  • The dwarves there will not eat mushrooms
  • They also very much dislike and distrust Elves , but Bref herself does not know the historical significance of why. They have a saying "Gifts from the elves" which refers to unnatural and impossible things
  • They an ingrained sense of being a good neighbour, law of hospitallity etc
  • They don't tend to trade with outsiders
  • Naturally living off stone so are great at making stony earth farmable and most produce is goats
  • They dont have currency, everything is traded or gifted
  • Magic is rare, but those that do possess it, tend to be quite powerful if short-lived
  • They call Corruption the 'black blood'

Known denizens

  • Bref of Uri's folk - curently in Anglwyrd Crossing
  • Telbik, younger sister of Bref
  • Halgeas, older brother of Bref
  • Bref's mother, previously the head of Uri's folk.
  • The Stone Circle, a powerful circle of dwarven spellcasters who both find and train new casters before they can fall to Corruption, and advise the Quintarchy.


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