The Order of the Queen of Light Organization in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The Order of the Queen of Light

The church of the land has spread quickly thanks to the many miracles of the Queen of Light over the last three hundred years. She was canonised as a saint in her first hundred years of life, as she drove monsters out of the The Vale of Ypakar and founded the city by single handedly laying each stone of the walls. The stones ran black with aberrant blood, and after three years she had built the foundations of her new capital, the city of Ypakar.   With many miracles since, the most recently accepted being her living beyond her 300th year, she has succeeded at apotheosis and the Order of the Queen of Light idolises her above all else. She is the saviour of sentient life and the founder of civilisation. Her benefaction is boundless and her Shadow is entirely free of taint. The Order teaches that Corruption is a sin pushed into the world by fiends and aberrations, tempting mortals into joining their ranks and becoming twisted spawn of darkness. Only belief in the Queen and steadfast cleansing of corruption will allow people any hope of salvation.
Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members


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