Abominations Species in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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"Abominations (or abberations) are twisted creatures that are believed to be created when a living being becomes so Corrupted they change entirely. So far these creatures seem to be twisted enough that they lose all control and memory of who they were, but due to their dangerous nature, they have proven hard to study socially (though not from lack of trying here at The Conservatory, but after the first 20 fatalities the study of Abominations had a number of safety measures put in place to ensure the time taken to teach students wasn't entirely wasted.)   Since the Founding of Ypakar we have striven to further understand these monsters to help protect settlements and the people of The Vale and prevent more being created, but this is a long and hard process as Corruption itself is not yet fully understood. Study of Shadows, Corruption and Abominations is inexorably linked and we can only hope that each new discovery in one area speeds the progress of the others."
Notes by Dalitar Amakiir , taken during his first few classes on Abominations at the Conservatory
  Abominations can vary in type and attributes, and in The Forest of Davokar can be extra fucked up.    

Examples Encountered in the Forest

Name Abilities/notable details Status
Giant Flesh Pile Gribbly that showed up on the first True Night Gained mass when consuming living matter, lost it when attacked. Dead
Flying 'eel' creatures that showed up on the first True Night Absorbed light and exploded with Radiant energy (but did not self destruct). What the Fuck is Up with That Dead
Bullywug Princess - transformed in the forest while looking for a ruin Consumed people, had a Corruption miasma around her. Keeper was nearby. Dead
Woe Strider & babies Had an emotional(?) attachment to its young, actively seemed to grieve the death of one. Insulted to death
Quarry de-beaner Used to be a Tiefling Dead
Two headed shark Had multiple-eyed fish friends. Telekinesis involved. Dead
Conservation Status
under threat wherever Viserys is


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