Shadowsight Spell in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Shadowsight is a spell developed by Dalitar Amakiir while he was at The Conservatory  to view other peoples Shadows for research purposes.   The spell reveals a persons Shadow to the caster only.   Shadowsight uses Deep Speech as a spell component for the three final words of the spell, which seemed to add more power...


After you cast this spell, the next person or creature you look at will have their shadow revealed to you whilst you observe them. If you look at a different creature, the spell ends and you glean nothing about that second creature's shadow.


Turns the casters irises a dark, almost black, with flashes of colour, not unlike the descriptions of Shadows.
Material Components
25 Thaler of rare herbs (which are consumed) and a silver key worth 100 Thaler
Gestures & Ritual
A very large magical circle (pictured) which links to the casters circle around the key.
Related School
Effect Casting Time
10 mins


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