The Audience Member Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The Audience Member

Premier Member of the Davokar Fandom

A mysterious lesser deity of a distant realm. Always listening, always judging, always keeping a protective eye on the bunnies in the Davokar world. Her aim is to Always Know and To Have Opinions; some of her opinions are wild and not completely evidence-based - however, some of these are her hills to which she shall draw her last breath.    

Other Names

  • The Great Observer
  • Arbiter
  • Fee The Watcher

Current Hills She Will Die On

  • All citizens of Anglwyrd Crossing should be exiled from Anglwyrd Crossing
  • Viserys Rohan killed Reika Günay (Viserys' actions were a deciding factor in Reika's death)
  • The lack of mental health care in this world is atrocious
  • Everyone needs therapy, and yet no one goes
  • Someone should train to be a therapist, and yet no one does
  • They'd make a killing
  • No, wait... no more killings!
  • "Everyone dies" is not a good excuse not to try since everyone else who's died has been brought back [cough - bring Reika back, you cowards - cough]

Tiers Lists

Sources believe The Audience Member didn't have tier lists, favourites or rankings... until one day a Masterful Agent in a distant voice chat said they were real. Pleas were sent up to the Audience Member and thus they popped into existence, as if by magic. Only two tier lists survive today, though whispers of a third are ever present. Little is known of this third tier list, though it is rumoured to be based on fated wanderers of the world and very biased.
Somewhere written in a dusty chatlog, caveats for these tiers were proclaimed and will forever be immortalised here:
  • As souls traverse the land of the living and the afterlife, their linked ethereal placement on the Tiers will change. Some say souls are bound by colours of red and green to denote their likely movement in the future.
  • The Audience Member is ever-judging, and can be angered or humoured by mortal actions, of which some can have lasting effects. Though her opinions may be based on neoteric events, scholar Jane of Austen once quoted The Audience Member as saying "I cannot forget the follies and vices of others so soon as I ought, nor their offences against myself...My good opinion once lost is lost forever."
  • When knowledge and stories of new creatures or beings reach The Audience Member, the crystalline spirits of these creatures begin to form on the Tiers; until then, many souls are mere indistinct manifestations in the world.




Curious Judgemental
Current Status
Heeding the wanderer's path
The Void Between Sessions


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