The Dreabig in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The Dreabig (The Dree-big)

The Dreabig is the place that Rabbits and Fairies go when they're tripping on mushrooms.   Generally accepted as a seperate reality to The Waking, The Dreaming is known to be home to Fey creatures, some of whom will consent to be summoned as familiars. There are places in the world where the veil between the Dreaming and the Waking is thin, allowing for some unusual effects, such as glimpses of Fey creatures who can affect the Waking world.   Mentioned in the Atlas in the below places: The text within the Atlas seems to hint that the ancient elves of The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar used the Dreaming much more actively than the modern denizens of the world, though it is unclear whether they could travel there wholely, or whether they used its power to aid their magics and technology.   The Dreaming is 'shaped like a donut' - said jokingly by Rain and confirmed by Qwyns family...  

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