Colere de la Nature Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Colere de la Nature

This article is about the pseudo-deity. For the backstory character, see Rah Tah Tum. For other uses, see Spirit of the Forest (disambiguation).   Also known as Spirit of the Forest, or Wrath of the Forest in Sylvan, or Bonacieux.   Colere de la Nature is a powerful forest spirit who watches over contracts signed in The Forest of Davokar. Reb Itto has spoken of her and her power, as well as fear/reverence of her.   Granny confirmed Bonacieux was Colere De La Nature after RTT described her in great detail. Evidently they were neighbours in The Dreabig and Colere de la Nature invited them to the The Forest of Davokar, which according to Granny is her domain.   To find out:
  • if they're connected to Bonacieux YUP
  • if they're immortal I GUESS
  • what they know of origin of Corruption / fall of The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar
  • what they know of Awarth's curse
  • Children


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