The Moons Geographic Location in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The Moons

The world of Davokar has three moons.  
  • The Goddess/Crone(yellow, large, 60 day period)
  • The Saint/Mother (blue, medium, 40 day period)
  • The Queen/Maiden (grey white, small, 20 day period)

Facts the party has learned

  • There apparently used to be only one moon, which at the very least looked like The Queen. (source: ancient elven and dwarven ruins, 1000 year old data)
  • The elves believed that the sun and moon (singular) orbited the world in the sky around it.
  • That one moon used to be noted for causing an increase of magical power for use by the Elves of The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar when it was full, meaning that powerful magical rituals could be conducted with greater ease.
  • The moons affect Barktech - named 'lunar sympathy' by Dawn, which seems to reflect the previous point about an increase in power during a full moon.
  • The moons also affect lycanthropes. More moons = less control and more wolf
  • The blue moon showed up first, maybe 1400~ years ago? (Qwyns family said it was there twice as long as the yellow one)
  • The blue moon was 'new' during the ancient elven empire. Like there were school trips to the observatory at Mt Ethelharn to see the new moon/ scientists working on shit.
  • The yellow moon showed up last, about 700 years ago.
  • The yellow moon is made of molten fucking Cuithger. Pure unformed potential. Qwyn can't describe its magical colour.
  • The extra moons do not show up in The Dreabig
  It is currently unclear how we gained more. What the Fuck is Up with That. Qwyns family also do not seemt o know where they came from.


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