Cuithger Material in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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A 'living metal' that has in the past been manipulated by the Elves of the empire of Coraar'ath Revaar to create wonders.  

Known living craftspeople


Known examples of cuithger items


Physical & Chemical Properties

Cuithgar can be 'sung' from the ground and shaped into almost anything by a knowledgeable craftsperson. It retains a liquid, flowing appearance even after settling into a solid shape. It also has a kind of memory, and retains this when it is formed into whatever shape its craftsperson desires. Goldriver has also stated that it is good at absorbing and retaining things in general, which is why obelisks were found that had absorbed Corruption. Rain has hypothesised that it could be a much improved version of Barktech, but she'll probably be Exiled if she tries.

History & Usage


Apparently in common use in the ancient Elven Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar


'Rediscovered' by Goldriver in the Anglwyrd expedition in The Forest of Davokar?

Everyday use

Information is limited, but the usage of cuithger is common (?) wherever the heck Goldriver comes from. They have stated that other people there used it, but are cagey about details, and clearly do not want to give away any useful information such as 'where' and 'who'? They have used the words 'like a family secret'. Goldriver has also stated that it was easy for them to replace an arm as they were born with cuithger inside their body.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The shaping of Cuithger was apparently an elven craft, shared (?) with the dwarves - but our source are from elven propaganda so are unreliable.


It's not so easily manipulated, I suppose just thinking of the ways an amateur would try to manipulate it, they'll probably kill themselves, to be honest.
— Goldriver


Law & Regulation

Anyone who uses Cuithger who is not Goldriver is Exiled
usually silvery but can be changed
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