Uasceggirch Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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The tree of trials, Uasceggirch offers you knowledge or power to help save the world at the price of 7 days and 7 nights of trials in The Dreabig and The Waking. Good luck.   The Tree is capable of powerful boons.   Possible Boons:
  • increasing stats (ASI) up to 22
  • Knowledge (knowledge of how to kill Reginald Thresh /Abdiel, The Slave and the Slaver, Lord of the Hells obtained)
  • Protection from True Night
  • Extended Rests within a shorter time
  • Super favouring of a spell - so that you generate zero corruption (tree stated it can shield a soul but not purify it)
  • Limited (3) casts of Revivify for no corruption
  • Expertise
  • Negotiation for a similar power of boon is possible.
  Not possible:
  • Removing Permanent Corruption
  • Resurrection
  • Other 'soul related' boons, presumably
Page 1     The forest seems to hold answ…   … power beyond anything apart from perhaps the …   … but is it … ?   We can but try. An expedition will be mounted and … funded by the Conser…   Perhaps Uasceggirch is real? We might … and… learn…   Page 2   There is power in names and numbers. 3 and 7 seem to have… but they may not be alone. There is a hint of the Dreaming about this forest. Perhaps that is why?   …The tree is at the edge? Odd. … defenses are unclear, but…   It seems to have vital potency, and powerful magic beyond offering boons. Perhaps it is able to remove powerful cu…   Page 3   The tree speaks to us. There are two… which could make me the third: a powerful omen. … worth it I think. If we are to save this world, I must know. I will take the trial. If any find this diary, know that this tree holds hope for salvation and power. Obtain its boons and learn its knowledge. Do more than I was able.   Dorien Nilsen
— Journal Found on Uasceggirch


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