
Ankhegs are large, carnivorous subterranean insects not commonly found in Sword Coast North. In late 1491, small group of Ankhegs were lured to the Loggers' Camp by totems left by the Anchorites of Talos.

Basic Information


Ankhegs have six legs, with their forelegs adapted for burrowing underground where they like to hunt their prey, detecting their movements above them with their antennae. As well as their tremorsense, ankhegs have incredibly good darkvision, granted by their secondary pair of eyes.   Once they latch onto their prey with their mandibles, it can be incredibly difficult to escape their grasp without the beast first dying, and their hard chitinous plating makes them difficult to harm. One of the ankheg's most deadly abilities is their ability to shoot their stomach acid at their prey, a rather potent attack, however, it leaves the ankheg unable to digest food for about six hours afterward.
An Ankheg
Scientific Name