Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer is an enchanted longsword which was more deadly against dragons. The blade was made entirely from mithral, with the grip crafted out of dragon bones, because of this the sword was much lighter than one might expect judging by its bulky appearance.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Dragon Slayer generally works as one would expect a typical longsword would, although it is considerably lighter on account of it's materials, allowing it to be wielded with more finesse if the wielder choses. The weapon becomes truly deadly when used against dragons, to which the sword will deal significantly more damage than it ould to a non-dragon.


Originally wielded by Tanamere Alagondar, the Dragon Slayer sword was used to slay a green dragon that terrorized the High Road. Mortally wounded in the fight, Lady Alagondar was buried with the sword, alongside her fallen compatriots, in a tomb beneath Dragon Barrow.   A century later, the sword was recovered by the Hat Gang when they ventured into the Dragon Barrow in search of a weapon to aid them in their confrontation with the green dragon Venomfang. To obtain the longsword, the adventurers had to fight a trio of will-o'-wisps that had come to haunt the tomb, as well as the reanimated remaind of the dragon which Lady Alagondar had slain, perhaps intended as a trap to deter would-be thieves, or as a test, so only those worthy could wield the weapon again.   Yuri Canmore wielded the Dragon Slayer in the battle against Venomfang. Although it was Elarnya who ultimately felled the dragon with a shot from her bow, Yuri's use of the magical weapon no doubt aided greatly in the assault, intimidating the dragon and causing her to flee, leaving her vulnerable.   When Yuri left the Hat Gang to give aid to her friend in the city Luskan, she left the Dragon Slayer with the party, believing they would make better use of it than she would in their coming adventures. Boston Bornes is now the current wielder of the weapon.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
2.2 lbs