Boston Bornes

Boston Bornes

Boston Borns is a human fighter and warlock from near Icewind Dale. Haunted by constant tragedy, Boston has found his place within the Hat Gang, which he is a founding member of.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Boston is physically quite strong, and well trained, thanks largely to his time as a mercenary. In addition to his incredible strenght, boston is incredibly agile and a skilled marksman, skilled in both ranged and melee combat, typically duel wielding a variety of weapons, notably hand crossbows, handaxes, and swords.

Special abilities

In his training Boston mastered various maneuvers which allow him to exploit his enemy’s weaknesses and better defend himself.   Boston gained limited spellcasting from studying his wife's notes, mostly making use of Eldritch Blast and Green Flame Blade offensively. Thanks to this dark blessing, Boston gains temporary vitality after slaying a foe, thanks to his Dark One’s Blessing, and Armour of Agathys to aid his survivability. Although he barely needs magic to bolster his vitality, as years growing up in the harsh conditions of Icewind Dale have prepared him to remain standing in the face of attacks that would kill lesser men.

Apparel & Accessories

Boston wears scale armor over a blue tunic and pants, with a blue cape from his mercenary days. He holds various items, like his axes, in his accessory belt.

Specialized Equipment

The Clockwork Amulet can be used once a day to guarantee a single hit against an enemy, although it is unlikely to be a killing blow.   When Boston wears his wedding ring, he is seemingly overcome by grief and becomes “Evil Boston," capable of more barbaric fighting techniques. Whilst in this state, he can enter a rage, which makes his attacks more accurate, at the cost of leaving himself open, and resist some damage. When the ring worn, Boston also regains some of his health.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Boston once lived in Thundertree, where he had a family a wife and child, whom he lost during the town's destruction. Following this, Boston become a wanderer and eventually joined a mercenary group, which once again came to a tragic end when his fellow mercenaries were killed by agents working for someone known as The Black Spider.   In trying to find answers, Boston ended up in Phandalin, were he saved Jensen Wagner from some goblins. The two spent some time at the Stonehill Inn before the taking a job from a miner named Gundren Rockseeker to escort his supplies out of town along with several other adventurers, including Elarnya and Nissany. When the group found Gundren's cart had been attacked by goblins, the dwarf himself nowhere to be found, a series of events were set in motion that would lead to the forming of the Hat Gang.


Boston has had little bit on education mostly in his childhood
  • he left school at the age of 12 after his brother Bolton Bornes was forced to leave for unknown reasons
  • he was in the works of joining the Black Raven Monastery where his father teachers there but due to problems with his mothers side of the family he was exiled from ten towns and has been back then

Accomplishments & Achievements

he become part of a famous group of mercenaries called swords of honor but were killed by unknown group leaving Boston the only one to survive.   manage to to take control of himself and ending the reign of evil Boston's 5 year control.   with the help the party Boston obtained his wife's research on eldritch magic and is trying to complete it with Jensen.

Failures & Embarrassments

Boston lost control of himself and let evil Boston return and gained a loss of confidents believing that the party might leave him because of that and he's a danger to the group.

Mental Trauma

Boston has seen his family killed by the eruption of Mount Hotenow and his group being killed cause Boston to lose control and creating being of his evil and desire Evil Boston. because of that Evil Boston shows memories of what he did and gives him clues and answers for his goal


Hobbies & Pets

  • kays cooking


Boston Bornes


Towards Andrea Bornes

Andrea Bornes


Towards Boston Bornes

tragic past, fighter, redemption arc, revenge.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Current Status
Adventuring with the Hat Gang
Date of Birth
11th Kythorn 1454
Ten Towns, Caer-Konig
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 8
Aligned Organization
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