
Captain Hikaar

Captain Hikaar is a hobgoblin associated with the Cragmaw Tribe. He accompanied Bolton Bornes as he searched Wave Echo Cave for the Forge of Spells.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hikaar is the captain of a hobgoblin troop, and therfore is a competent combatant and strong leader, skilled in the use of martial weapons, heavy armour, and shields.

Special abilities

Hikaar's leadership skills allow him to rally his allies by imparting tactical advice in the goblin tongue, thus improving their accuracy in combat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The captain and a small troop of hobgoblin warriors accompanied Bolton Bornes, an associate of the Cragmaw Tribe and Black Spider agent, on his search for the Forge of Spells, deep within the lost mine of Wave Echo Cave. In the chamber outside of the forge's location, the group was attacked by a spectator. Hikaar's troop was able to defeat the aberration, albeit sustaining heavy casualties in the process.   When the group encountered the Hat Gang, Hikaar had no issue working alongside the adventurers to defeat the forge's undead guardian, attempting to aid them with his rally. After Bolton pocketed the Green Flame from the Forge of Spells, Hikaar and his remaining men left the mine alongside him, with nobody in the Hat Gang attempting to stop them.
Current Status
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization