Cragmaw Tribe

The Cragmaw is a large tribe of goblinoids based in the Sword Coast, operating primarily around the Triboar Trail. Members of the tribe sharpen their teeth to make them appear pointed, the origin of the tribe's name. The tribe was ruled by King Groll from Cragmaw Castle, the location of which was a closely guarded secret, until he was slain by Jensen Astria-Wagner.   In recent years the tribe began working for a powerful figure known as the Black Spider, and they were tasked with tracking down Gundren Rockseeker and his copy of the map to Wave Echo Cave. Cragmaw Tribe members, mostly bugbears, have also been used to bolster the security of the Black Spider Network and its allies.


The hierarchy of the Cragmaws differs somewhat from typical goblinoid tribes. As usual, the bulk of the tribe's members consisted of goblins, their sneaky, quick, and dim-witted nature making them well suited as fodder. Although some goblins attain higher ranks, goblins typically make up the lowest caste of the tribe's hierarchy.   Most positions of leadership in the tribe are occupied by bugbears, including the tribe's former leader, Groll, whose intimidating stature and strategic wisdom helped to keep the lesser ranks in line. When not involved in leadership roles, bugbears typically serve as guards, and as such it is bugbears who are usually sent by the tribe to aid their allies.   A number of hobgoblins also join the tribe's ranks. Although hobgoblins typically fulfill leadership roles, Grol's rule ensured they could only ever attain the status of second-in-command at best. Well trained and canny, hobgoblins are often sent in small troops or larger squadrons to raid settlements or take down powerful enemies.   Some worgs also exist within the tribe, their low inteligence and status as non-goblinoids ensure that they are treated as lesser than goblins, but they can still prove valuable as guard dogs.


Goblins from the Cragmaw Tribe led the attack on Uaiss in Flamerule of 1463 DR, killing most of the residents including the parents of Hatari and Jensen Astria-Wagner.   In 1481, members of the Cragmaw Tribe raided the Sylvan Library. Eight-year-old Elarnya witnessed the goblin Drago killing the library's keeper and escaped.

Dealings With The Black Spider

  On the 22nd of Uktar, 1491 DR, acting under the orders of Nezznar, the Black Spider, a group of goblins working for the tribe attacked Gundren Rockseeker and his warrior escort Sildar Halwinter as they transported supplies from Phandalin along the triboar trail. The goblins took them prisoner and brought them to their hideout nearby in Neverwinter Wood.   Later that day, goblins ambushed a group of mercenaries hired by Gundren to help transport supplies. This mercenary party happened to contain Jensen Astria-Wagner and Elarnya, two individuals who had suffered great tragedy at the hands of the tribe in the past. The party defeated the goblins and followed their tracks to the hideout, where they defeated the bugbear chief Klarg and rescued Sildar Halwinter. Unfortunately, the goblins had already taken Gundren to Cragmaw Castle.   This party, who would go on to be known as the Hat Gang, encountered members of the tribe on multiple occasions whilst searching for the location of Cragmaw Castle, usually warriors sent to aid other servants of the Black Spider. When they returned to the Cragmaw hideout, the party encountered Droop a Cragmaw goblin who was stationed at the Redbrand Hideout but was kicked out by Halia Thornton once she had gained ownership of the manor. Droop began traveling with the party and forged a strong bond with Dymera.

Fall of Cragmaw Castle

  With the aid of the druid Reidoth, the Hat Gang eventually tracked down the location of the tribe's stronghold, Cragmaw Castle. Accompanied by Jensen's sister, Hatari, the party attacked the inhabitants of the castle and rescued their friend, Greta, who had been held captive in the castle's kitchen. The adventurers worked their way through the building, eventually finding themselves in the throne room. After a brief conversation with Bolton Bornes, they made their way down to the castle's basement, leaving Hatari to guard Greta.   The Hat Gang soon found themselves inside an arena, with King Grol watching on as they were forced to battle against old enemies, the Cragmaw goblin Yeemick, a bereaved Manticore, and Lashela. After they had fought through most of these adversaries, Grol joined the fight himself. As this was happening, "Greta" revealed herself as the Doppelganger assassin Vyerith to Hatari, knocking the dragonborn unconscious. She took the unconscious body down to the basement and watched the party fight in the arena.   When Grol was defeated, Vyerith took the unconscious body of Gundren Rockseeker and fled. With his life in their hands, Grol allowed the Hat Gang to escape the arena and pursue the shapechanger. At the last moment, he betrayed the party and tried to kill Jensen whilst he was isolated. He failed, and the Dragonborn wizard fried his brain with a shocking grasp, killing him.

Later Activity

  The party was unable to prevent Vyerith's escape, but Dymera did manage to grab a map to Wave Echo Cave from her. The adventurers used it to locate the lost mine, where they encountered more members of the tribe.
Parent Organization
Related Professions
Notable Members
Former Members
Related Species

Articles under Cragmaw Tribe

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast
Character flag image: by