
Mimics are carniverous shapeshifters often found in caves and dungeons. Mimics have the ability to transform a variety of items, often chests, or other objects that would look enticing to adventurers.
  The elven rogue Dymera was hired by King Gnerkli of Gnomengarde to slay a mimic that had been terrorizing the settlement, shortly before the Hat Gang arrived to complete that same task. Both parties joined forces to take down the monstrosity, which had taken the form of a barrel, restoring King Korboz's sanity.

Basic Information


Mimics can shift into the form of any mundane object, though the size of that object is limited by their age. The surface of a mimic is adhesive, and anything, or anyone, that touches it becomes stuck, allowing the mimic to easily devour them. If that doesn't work, the mimic may attack it's prey with a pseudopod, or it's tongue, which is also sticky and may grapple opponents.   The mimic's main weakness is it's slow speed. If a mimic is unable to consume it's victim fast enough, or is outmatched by a particularly competent adventuring party, it cannot easilly escape. Some especially clever mimics have learned to circumvent this by transfroming into round objects, such as a barrel of wine, and rolling away at high speeds.   In it's natural form, a mimic resembles a semi-amorphous puddle of glue, an assortment of eyes and teeth floating within.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mimics can see in the dark, allowing them to hunt easilly in caves and other dark areas, though aside from this, a mimic's sensory capabilities are nothing special.
Scientific Name

Cover image: Mimic by Scott Murphy