
Dymera Withawhy

Dymera Withawhy is a charismatic wood elf arcane trickster from a western island. She has a pet rat called {screaming noises}. Soon after losing her lower legs in an unfortunate workplace accident at Gnomengarde, Dymera joined the Hat Gang. Although an odd fit, she has settled into the party well and has proven invaluable to the team at times.   Dymera is very wise and a strong tactician, a master manipulator with a knack for talking her way out of situations and using her words to confuse or annoy enemies. Although generally loyal to her friends, Dymera is known to be a chaotic force and is generally percieved to be unpredictable.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dymera is incredibly agile, even after losing both legs. Specialized in attacking from hiding, her attacks deal massive damage when attacking from an advantageous position.   She is trained in various finesse and ranged weapons, but prefers Daggers, Shortbows, and Whips.   Very dextrous and mobile, with high movement speed and the ability to dodge foes and hide quicker than others. Particularly skilled at dodging area-of-effect attacks, which she can avoid even when that would seemingly be impossible. Stealth capabilities are even greater when outside, thanks to her Wood Elf heritage.

Special abilities

Dymera caught a glimpse of Jensen's spellbook and used this to teach magic to herself. Interestingly, she began practicing warlock magic at the same time as Boston too.   Dymera uses her magic in a variety of ways, making her a versatile and unpredictable force. Pass Without Trace, Longstrider and Enhance Ability all further increase Dymera’s stealth, mobility and Survivability potential, Burning Hands can damage enemies in a large area, and Minor Illusion and Colour Spray can confuse her opponents. Mould Earth is one of her favorite spells, used to knock foes off balance or to bury charmed orcs. Spells like Distort Value and Gift of Gab, whilst not particularly useful in combat situations, help her manipulate those around her.   When attacking at range, she typically uses Eldritch Blast, although Ray of Frost is another option which can slow down enemies, allowing Dymera to easily close the distance.

Specialized Equipment

Dymera’s signature weapon is her Ebon Lash, created by the Red Wizards of Thay, this powerful magical scourge can cause those it hits to become near paralyzed, unable to move or perform magic, and hampers their offensive capabilities for a brief time. The lash can also be used as a focus to cast Charm Person.

  Initially given a pair of standard gnome prosthetic legs, on her return to Gnomengarde, she was gifted a new, more specialized pair, created by the inventors Fibblestib and Dabbledob. Although still built for someone several feet shorter than Dymera, these Advanced Gnomemade Boots contain springs which can be activated to further enhance her mobility, allowing her to jump great distances, although when doing so there is always a small risk that part of the mechanism will explode, damaging her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After the defeat of the Rat King at Edarmath Orchard, a tiny, horrid, disease ridden rat emerged from the corpse. Dymera, of course, adopted the wretched thing, naming it {screaming noises} after the first soind it made.


Dymera has had many relationships, creating multiple children, all of whom she is estranged from. Whilst travelling with the hat gang, she has attempted to flirt with many individuals, including Halia Thornton, Greta, Lashela, and Zeleen Varnaster.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dymera was abe to survive alone in a room with Umorth, a thayan archmage for almost a minute.   On multiple occasions, Dymera has been able to talk her and her friends out of (and into) impossible situations, one time reducing a thayan wizard to tears just by talking to her and another where she convinced a group of orcs that she was a deity, then burying them alive.


Hobbies & Pets

She is always accompanied by a nearly feral rat named [screaming noises]. The rat can coat enemies with a corrosive acid from a short range and is remarkably resilient, sometimes able to defy death.

wood elf rogue, chaotic neutral. Has a habit of hugging enemies and calling clearly dangerous and hostile animals "cute". Has somehow successfully convinced a few orcs that she is a god and made them dig their own graves.

Current Location
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West of the Moonshae Isles
Aligned Organization
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