
Savras, The All-Seeing, sometimes named Lord of Divination, is a god of mages and wizards, who serves under the godess Mystra. He is the patron deity of diviners and seers.

Divine Domains

As a god of mages, Savras holds power in the Arcana domain, as a god of diviners, he also holds power in the Knowledge domain.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Savras's symbol is a crystal ball containing many monsterous eyes. One such symbol can be found in the Shrine of Savras, where the Hat Gang once fought members of the Anchorites of Talos.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Savras beleive that the truth is of the upmost importance, even if that is a thing people do not want to hear.

Followers of Savras

Followers of Savras are rare, as his reverance often requires the acceptance of harsh truths, though at least one shrine could be found that was dedicated to the Lord of Divination was located just south of Conyberry, though in recent years it was abandoned after an attack by barbarians.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Lawful Neutral

Cover image: Fractured Identity by Justin Hernandez & Alexis Hernandez
Character Portrait image: by WotC