Beliard Settlement in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Beliard was a small trading village that was home to, as well as a meeting place for, the many cattle ranchers that drove their herds across the nearby hills.


Sometime around the Year of the Sword, 1365 DR, four merchants went missing in Beliard. The cause of this disappearance was a doppelganger that had assumed the form of one of Blasko Halamar's young apprentices, Hagarl.

Some time after the Ordning was abolished, around the Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance, 1485 DR, groups of hill giants began to steal livestock from Beliard's animal pens. And continue to cause the village problems.

Points of interest

  • Halamar's Horses: The stables were founded by a former adventurer Blasko Halamar.
  • Milshoun's Stronghouses: These three warehouses were owned by the Calishite man, Ahbaer Milshoun. And then his decendents.
Inns & Taverns
  • Watchful Knight: This cold and unwelcoming hostel was run by Arachar Calatharr who was pointedly not a retired adventurer.


It was located at the crossroads where the Stone Trail intersected the Dessarin Road, just a bit a few miles east of Stone Bridge.
Location under


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