Stone Bridge Building / Landmark in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Stone Bridge

Stone Bridge was a bridge located along the River Dessarin, connecting Red Larch and the Long Road via the Stone Trail to Beliard on Jundar's Pass, and the High Forest.

The bridge, which was also a temple to Moradin, was a single arch, 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) in length and 400 feet (120 meters) in height, made of granite, roughly six paces wide, with no railings or barriers. It was originally built to connect the two halves of the realm of Besilmer, and was wide enough to cope with the broadest flow of the river in times of flooding.

As of the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, it was a site of pilgrimage for dwarves of certain moral outlook.


Stone Bridge was originally constructed to link the ancient Halls of the Hunting Axe to another long-lost dwarfhold.

The bridge was the site of a fight between Torhild Flametongue, founder of the dwarven realm of Besilmer, and a hill giant, resulting in Torhild's death.

During the final days of the Ironstar clan of dwarves, their king, Daurvos Frostbeard, was cut down on the bridge by orcs while the clan was attempting to flee south. While mortally wounded, he cried to Moradin for aid and died. Moradin's avatar, a 20‑foot-high (6.1‑meter) armored dwarf, appeared on the bridge, rallying the fleeing dwarves and leading them to victory over the orcs.  

Rumors & Legends

Legends claimed that the avatar of Moradin fell down onto the Stone Bridge at the start of the Time of Troubles. He was said to have guarded the walkway, in order to bar a number of malevolent deities from reaching the Celestial Stairway that had appeared in Waterdeep.
Parent Location
2 mi (3.2 km) long
400 ft (122 m)


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