Moonsea North Geographic Location in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Moonsea North

The Moonsea North was the name given to the region of the Moonsea, along the northern coast of the sea after which it was named, and the wild, untamed lands further north. During the early years of the Era of Upheaval, it famously became associated with the Zhents, partially coming under their control from their seat of power in Zhentil Keep.

Much of the Moonsea North was considered to be a uncivilized and uncharted wilderness, devoid of civilization but rife with natural resources ready for the seizing.  


Many dwarven communities built their fortified holds in the lands of the Moonsea North, often sharing their homes with their human neighbours. Other races that famously dwelled in the region included the goblinoid races, orcs, and the Ogres of Thar.


The region of the Moonsea North was difficult to define with complete accuracy. Some used the term to describe the coastal lands directly north of the Moonsea proper, while some sages such as Elminster used the term synonymously with the region of the Wide. while some cartographers included the Tortured Land, and the lands around the Abbey Mountains north to the Great Glacier.  

Geographical Features

The Moonsea North was marked by four massive mountain ranges, the Abbey Mountains in the north, the White Peaks the western arm of the Galenas across its center, and the Dragonspine Mountains towards the south.

While there were many far-reaching rivers and lakes that formed in the Moonsea North, a few were particularly notable and worth mentioning. The Shattersoul River formed from the Great Glacier, joining with the west-flowing River Pelauvir. Telstang Brook and Razack's Tears flowed down from the Galena and Dragonspine peaks respectively, forming Lake Longreach in between the two mountain ranges.

While a portion Border Forest marked the western border of the region, and the Frozen Forest well beyond to the north, the smaller Quivering Forest and Vercy Wood were entirely contained within the seldom-encountered verdant areas of the Moonsea North.

The Twilight Marsh was situated on the northern shore of the Moonsea Lake, adjacent to the Quivering Forest.  

Notable Locations

  • Melvaunt, a powerful mercantile city-state nestled on the northern coast of the Moonsea.
  • Phlan, the smallest of the three coastal Realms of the Moonsea North.
  • Zhentil Keep, an infamous city long-associated with the Zhentarim spanning the River Tesh, that was brought to ruin twice in its history.
  • Castle Vathar
  • Citadel Ankhalus
  • Citadel of the Raven
  • Monument of the Ancients
  • Myth Ondath


The history of the Moonsea North predated the recorded history of its human residents.

For a time circa the 3rd century DR, the Moonsea North experienced years of peace it was watched over by the Three Peoples of elves, dwarves, and humans.

In the late 13th century DR the explorer Tal Lancegrove famously made journeys into the Moonsea North and detailed his exploits in a diaries that were later published by his daughter Tarteera.
Dwarves, elves, human, goblinoids, orcs, ogres
Location under


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