The Ride Geographic Location in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

The Ride

The Ride was an open steppe land situated between the Dragonspine Mountains, the Border Forest and the Gray Land of Thar. It was a land of cold plains.  


The Ride was inhabited by tribes of mounted barbarians, who called themselves Eraka, proud folk who treated outsiders as fair game. Although they were prone to constant internal struggling, they would quickly unite to face threats from the outside, like when the Zhentarim marched on Glister in 1352 DR. They spoke their own language of Erakic.

There were many independent tribes in the Ride. Known tribes included:
  • The Vaegould, aggressive worshipers of the primordials.
  • The Varm, a more peaceful tribe, practitioners of totem magic and worshipers of primal spirits.


In the 14th Century DR, the forces of Melvaunt and Zhentil Keep controlled lucrative mines that honeycombed the mountainsides north of the Ride.

In the 15th Century DR, the Warlock Knights of Vaasa began efforts to infiltrate the local tribes in hopes of claiming the region, and its mineral wealth, for themselves.
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