Noanar's Hold Settlement in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Noanar's Hold

Noanar's Hold was a village, just off the Evermoor Way just on the edge of the High Forest, that grew up around one of the most famous hunting lodges in the North. Cottages and well-kept stables rambled between the trees. One way to reach the village was taking Jundar's Pass south from Calling Horns to Dead Horse Ford, then taking the path east along the banks of the River Dessarin.


The Hunt Lords ruled the settlement and arranged hunting parties for rich sportsmen of the Sword Coast.

Eventually, less and less people came, as rumors got out that the Hunt Lords encouraged their guests to kill one another. In their old age, the Hunt lords struck a deal with Orcus, who transformed them into wights, and their long-dead steeds into warhorse skeletons.


The village's hunts could involve anything from pursuing normal creatures to sentient beasts and humanoids that were less than willing participants.
Location under


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