Temple Beyond Time Building / Landmark in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Temple Beyond Time

The Temple Beyond Time, also known as the Temple of Labelas, was a temple to Labelas Enoreth the Lifegiver in the city of Mhiilamniir of the elven realm of Eaerlann, lying within the High Forest. It had a strange relationship with the time-stream.

 It was a soaring tower in the form of an elongated hourglass.  


The name of the Temple Beyond Time was quite literal: a few hours might pass on the inside whilst many years flashed by outside. Furthermore, it could only be seen and accessed for a brief time at widely varying intervals.

The undercroft of the Temple of Labelas had a two-way portal to the House of Long Silences in Ardeep.  


The temple had only three permanent inhabitants: Susklahava Orbryn, Roanmara Neirdre, and Phantyni Evanara, a trio of undying Siluvanedenn gold elf baelnorn priestesses known together as the Timespinners. They had served for millennia as historians, oracles, sages, and seers.  


When the Temple Beyond Time was due to reappear, Labelas provided omens to his faithful and they interpreted these to determine the date. The faithful journeyed to the location and awaited the time when they could enter the tower and consult with the Timespinners. However, they took the risk of possibly re-emerging many years later.  


The Temple Beyond Time was the oldest of the city's many temples; according to Labelasan religious texts, it had stood during the early history of Aryvandaar, circa −23,600 DR.

By 1370 DR, the green dragon Chloracridara laired in the ruined temple of Corellon Larethian in Mhiilamniir but claimed the whole city as her domain. This made it too hazardous for elven pilgrims to visit any of the temples. Only the Temple Beyond Time escaped the dragon's attentions, thanks to its intermittent existence.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Patron deity
Labelas Enoreth


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