Sebek (SEH-beck)

Sebek known as Sebethant in Thay and as Sebakar in Unther and Chessenta, was a jealous, vain, and evil member of the Mulhorandi pantheon. The Lord of Crocodiles was a member of low-standing, yet rivalled only by Set in his wickedness.


Sebek delighted in devouring humans, but could be convinced not to through obsequious begging and offerings of even greater meals.


Worship of Sebek was rare, and even considered anathema in some places, such as Chessenta, though he was often well respected in communities near large populations of crocodiles.

Priests of Sebek wore linen skirts and collars, and shaved their heads. They favored no ornamentation in crocodile form. When preparing for combat, the clergy of Sebek favoured light armor and simple weapons.

Clerics of Sebek prayed for spells at dusk.

All clergy of the church of Sebek were werecrocodiles, usually of Mulan descent.

Priests of Sebek spend much of their time planning methods of seizing power in their surrounding regions.

The city of Sekras housed a temple that served as the center of the church of Sebek, known as the River's Maw. Upon the city's destruction, the clergy relocated to the Adder Swamp of Chessenta. No temples dedicated to the "Smiling Death" were known to exist as of 1358 DR.


All werecrocodiles followed Sebek, though no organizations were known to be sponsored by the church.

Divine Domains

Nature, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

Special abilities

Sebek was able to summon and control crocodiles at will, and has been known to swallow boats and living creatures whole.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sebek was the son of an ancient manifestation of the Mulhorandi god Set and a bestial archfey of the Feywild known as Mornach. Prior to the Time of Troubles, the largest sect of Sebek's worshipers were expelled from Mulhorand by the Brotherhood of Those Who Smile in the Face of Death. They resettled in Chessenta.

In the late years of the 15th century DR, some rumours said that Sebek was living in the Adder Swamp.


Contacts & Relations

Sebek was an outcast in the eyes of the rest of the Mulhorandi pantheon, though he was known for occasionally being ally of his father, Set. Sebek often had conflicts with Malar, who disliked the Mulhorandi deity for possessing a portion of his portfolio of lycanthropes.

Family Ties

Divine Classification
Lawful evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Crocodiles The Smiling Death


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