Set (set)

Set known as Typhon in the lands of Thay and Unther, and Zehir to the yuan-ti race was the greatest evil power of the Mulhorandi pantheon. He was a jealous and loathsome being that did all he can to meddle in the plans of his fellow deities.



Clerics and other clergy in service to Set wore linen skirts, sandals, and collar. These individuals don headdresses over shaved heads. When preparing for battle they dressed appropriately for the situation, but preferred equipment that featured a prominent snake motif.

Clerics of Set prayed for spells at night.

The clergy of Set was composed of evil beings from any ethnicity, a practice which came about only after the Godswar. These individuals spend much of their time overseeing the actions of criminals and grave robbers, as well as planning the overthrow of the government of Mulhorand.


Divine Domains

Death, Tempest, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It was believed, but unproven, that following his defeat at the hands of Gruumsh, the wounds of the weakened Re were poisoned by Set, and that he may have survived if not for this act. Set killed Osiris in an attempt to obtain the power of Re, but his plans were thwarted by Horus-Re, and Osiris was resurrected by Isis and Nephthys.

After the Spellplague, Set managed to join the Faerûnian pantheon under the name of Zehir.

During the Second Sundering, Re and other deities from the pantheon returned in the form of demigods and led the Mulhorandi uprising against the Imaskari, in a manner similar to how the Chosen manifested in other regions. As of 1489 DR, Mulhorand was led by the returned pantheon, who temporarily set their differences aside for the good of the Mulhorandi people.


Contacts & Relations

Set was the son of Geb and Nut, and brother of Osiris. He considered the other members of the Mulhorandi pantheon to be his enemies, though he has been known to ally with Sebek on occasion.

Set had negotiated alliances with Tiamat, as well as with the dragon Maldraedior. However, his actions outside Mulhorand drew unwanted attention, and the deities Bane, Cyric, and Talos all wanted to claim Set's power for themselves.

Family Ties

Divine Classification
Chaotic evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Evil
Lord of Carrion
Defiler of the Dead
King of Malice
Father of Jackals
Brother of Serpents
Outcast of the Gods
God of Darkness
God of Desert Storms


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