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City-State of Waterdeep

Complete FR Wiki Page of Waterdeep
Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North, is the most important and influential city-state in the North and perhaps in all Faerûn. It is a truly marvelous cosmopolitan city of great culture that has attracted the most talented artisans, artists, and scholars from across the Realms, as well as a commercial hub for financial interests along the Coast and beyond.   It is one of if not the most powerful and influential member-states of the Lords' Alliance, the coalition of nations and city-states which seeks to maintain order along the Sword Coast and the North.   ----------   Notable Locations   Since the mid−11th century, Waterdeep had been divided into a number of city wards. Like ancient cities of old, such as those found near the Sea of Fallen Stars, each ward was originally protected by its own walls and guardsmen; the need for greater urban development led to many of these barriers being broken down. Eventually, only the walls around the City of the Dead remained.   Castle Ward:
  • This central ward encompassed Mount Waterdeep and much of the government of the city. Located within was Castle Waterdeep, the place of government, as well as the Palace of Waterdeep (also known as Piergeiron's Palace), Lord Piergeiron's private residence, and Blackstaff Tower, the residence of the Archmage of Waterdeep. This ward was also a common place for retired adventurers such as Mirt the Moneylender to make their homes.
  • City of the Dead:
  • This park-like area was surrounded by high walls. Before the Spellplague, it was often visited during the day by wanderers and the odd picnicker; at night, the gates of the City of the Dead were closed, for it was Waterdeep's graveyard. However, after the Spellplague, it fell into disrepair. The more important personages had their own personal graves or family shrines, while others were confined to larger crypts. The reason for the guards was not to protect the graves, but rather to protect the city from the occasional restless undead creature that did not appreciate its accommodations.
  • Dock Ward:
  • As one might assume, the Dock Ward was situated hard on the Great Harbor of Waterdeep and held the docks, shipbuilding yards, and warehouses for the sea trade. The harbor was inhabited by merfolk who kept the peace within their own aquatic city.
  • Downshadow:
  • Actually the uppermost level of Undermountain, Downshadow was the new "undercity" developed in the 15th century DR.
  • Field Ward:
  • The unofficial Field Ward was the ward between North Trollwall and most-recently built north-facing city walls. It was the poorest ward of the city, rife with crime and home to many destitute demi-humans.
  • Mistshore:
  • Not strictly a ward, Mistshore was the ruined naval harbor. The area was home to outcasts and criminals who lived along the shoreline or on wrecked ships half-sunk in the harbor.
  • Mountainside:
  • Mountainside was developed on the north and northeastern slopes of Mount Waterdeep after the Second Pestilars as rich nobles and those of rising fortunes fled to cleaner air.
  • North Ward:
  • Tucked in the northeastern portion of the city, North Ward was the home of the nobility and their villas. The moneyed classes made their homes here, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the lower classes by the docks and in Southern Ward.
  • Sea Ward:
  • The wealthiest of the wards, Sea Ward contained many of the temples of Waterdeep, along with a good helping of the newer noble families and retired adventurers who could afford the odd villa or two. The Field of Triumph, Waterdeep's arena, was located here.
  • Southern Ward:
  • Sometimes referred to by the locals as simply "South", the Southern Ward was a place of caravan masters and traders, for it was close to the South Gate, the opening to the Trade.
  • Trades Ward:
  • Waterdeep's commercial section.
  • Undercliff:
  • The latest ward (in 1479 DR) formed at the base of the eastern cliffs. It was connected to the rest of the city through subterranean tunnels.
  • Demonym
  • Waterdhavian
  • Creation:
  • 1032 DR
  • Population:
  • 1,500,000 - 2,000,000
  • ----------
  • 1PP = 1 Sun
  • = 10 Gold Dragons
  • = 20 Electrum Sambar
  • = 100 Silver Shards
  • = 1000 Copper Nibs
  • ----------
    Open Lord:
  • Dagult Neverember
  • Legislative:
  • The Lords of Waterdeep
  • Judicial:
  • The Magisters of Waterdeep
  • Type
    Geopolitical, City-state


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