Jagged Belt
A Jagged Belt is a sub-type of floating island which resembles a field of floating debris, generally buffeted by strong winds, and that stretches thousands of miles across. Jagged Belts are kept aloft air attuned Source Crystals, and are often home to dozens of species of migratory birds, the occasional Serpent Rider, the odd minor colony, and hundreds of species of flying fish.
The rocks that compose a Jagged Belt are never more than a few dozen meters across, although most are smaller chunks of floating stone. Occasionally, settlements can be created by latching them onto the bottom of a patch of particularly sturdy and large rocks (as was done with The Broken Jaw), but more often than not, individuals who want to be as far away from society as possible take up residence on singular chunks.
The environments of Jagged Belts varies heavily from belt to belt, and even across the surface of a single belt. The chunks that compose the belt are not always barren piles of rock, but also contain fertile plots of topsoil ripe for the aspiring farmer who doesn't mind the view. Some smaller settlements (generally only one to two hundred strong) create intricate farms that stretch across dozens of chunks, held together by bridges made of imported wood and hemp rope.
Terrible creatures have been known to inhabit some Jagged Belts, preventing colonies from fully taking route. The Great Ribbon is one such belt, as parts of it are inhabited by a horde of giant winged spiders.
"Sail through broken Skies,
Over teeth of stone,
Threating to swallow me whole,
As I beg to fly,
Back home."