Aibuynethi (EYE-b'wee-NETH-ee)

Aibuynethi is the primordial light deity in eisorcei tradition. Typically it is represented as a genderless, often bodiless force of light and 'energy' with various possible minor and major manifestations for a given purpose. For example, minor manifestations consist of natural sources of light and heat; major manifestations are usually personified and form the backbones of key myths.   One particularly prominent major manifestation is the Avatar of Aibuynethi, Plut'kesh the Dancer. In eisorcei myth Icalar was created where he stepped in his millennia-old dance across the sky, and the eisorcei in turn were born from the drops of his sweat that fell on the ground -- thus, whenever they use their 'flash' it is seen as a spiritual act representing the evaporation of their ancestors, and as such is not something to be done lackadaisically.   Aibuynethi's counterpart is Gohnasenthi, the primordial deity of the abyss, or darkness.   Like nearly all eisorcei beliefs, Aibuynethi exists as an oral tradition. Physically portraying the deity in either written words, art, or otherwise is seen as purposeless verging on trivialization. A clutch's himazĂ© is crucial in passing on these beliefs and teachings given their strange, innate ability to intuit the truth of them from one generation to the next.

Divine Domains

Light, heat, and therefore life
Divine Classification

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