Plut'kesh (Ploot-KESH)

the Dancer (a.k.a. Avatar of Aibuynethi)

Plut'kesh the Dancer is the most prominent major manifestation of Aibuynethi, where he is known as the Avatar of Aibuynethi. Although other avatars exist in the mythos, Plut'kesh carries the most importance due to his role in the eisorcei creation myth: they believe that in his millenia-old dance across the sky, where he stepped resulted in Icalar, and the drops of his sweat that then fell to the ground bore the first eisorcei. The dance itself is typically interpreted to represent the daily passage of the sun and then the nightly passage of the moon, though these are in themselves other, minor manifestations of Aibuynethi.   Although no physical depictions exist of Plut'kesh or any other mythical manifestation of Aibuynethi, he is described as a lithe being with fluid movements, four arms, dark gold skin, piercing eyes, a long tail, and a voice 'joyful and stark'. His feet are described as notably rough and scarred from his travels, with long, hooked toes and heel to give him purchase. Most descriptions of his dance call it 'pure, as a child's play is pure', and liken it to that of a leaping hunter or a cloud carried on the wind, and frequently mention 'a mantle of dark stars' that flurries in his wake.

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