Geene Oath (GEEN)

The Geene Oath is a conduct vow taken by Clerics and Physicia, and is the in-world equivalent of the Declaration of Geneva. It has come into more widespread (and stern) use following the influence of Martus and Biae Eburos and their efforts to standardize medicine, though it was originally created as part of the movement to outlaw warlocks and shadow-work.    
“I will never knowingly harm or exploit another. I will always act under my obligation to provide care, service, and comfort to those in need; I will always assume requests of me are made in good faith.   I will not work under influences or biases – consumed or from within myself or from a third quarter – nor will I work without the knowledge to assure me what I do is for the good of those under my care.   I will serve as quickly and to the best of my ability always, provided it does not cause undue duress to others or myself.   I will hold sacred what private knowledge is made known to me of anyone under my care, and defend its secrecy even under threat or torture, and even after the person in question has passed on or I no longer stand present in my calling.   I will share what knowledge I acquire to others reputable in my calling for the purposes of advancement in our degree and quality of care.   To these testimonies I swear unwavering adherence on my honor as a living, intelligent being called to the preservation of the wellbeing of others, regardless of race, age, political affiliation, religion, sex, place of birth, or any other social alignment. I will myself to be cast down by civil governance should I trespass on this oath.”


Conduct guide in the fields of medicine, health, and care-giving.
Contract, Civil


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