Goas (GOH-us)

Great One (a.k.a. 'The Spring', 'The Font', 'The Flowing One')

Goas is one of the deities of the small pantheon venerated by the Order of the Burning Crown known as The Great Ones, and is typified as a water deity. Along with Xados it defers to Ieb but is able to influence its decisions somewhat, and thus favor/disfavor may be earned by mortals.   Its primary role is to reward Icalarans with water (usually rain, but sometimes the renewed strength or waning of existing sources). Sometimes the various forms water takes are seen as separate aspects of Goas and take on more humanized representations compared to Goas as a whole.   The seemingly-perpetual cloudcover that surrounds Icalar is also known as "Goas' Veil" and is considered a benevolent, protective gesture to followers featured in the Placing of the Crown creation myth.

Divine Domains

Divine Classification
Aligned Organization


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