Ieb, Deity (EE-YEBB)

Great One (a.k.a. 'The Placer', 'The Savior', 'The Judge')

Ieb is the principal deity of the small pantheon venerated by the Order of the Burning Crown known as The Great Ones, and typified as a sky/air deity. It also acts as the primary mover in the Burning Crown's creation myth and as an omnipresent, omniscient judge. Goas and Xados defer to Ieb -- but may influence its decisions -- while Iasis is more equal and far more neutral.   In the myth, Ieb was the one who took the ancestors of modern Icalarans and placed them on Icalar -- a 'burning crown' created by Iasis -- to save them from the horrors below. It then continually judges Icalarans for their worthiness to remain, either rewarding with water from Goas or punishing through fire from Xados.

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