
The Jiermeb are one of the tribes of Kiva, belonging to the Chgai ethnic group. They share roaming grounds with the Hezar, although they typically stay closer to the Kivan-Unen border.   They have approximately fifteen families and as such are one of the middle-sized tribes, numbering around four hundred members. However, pre-War a series of poor decisions by former Head Tribesman and pressures from the far larger and more influential Hezar meant that the Jiermeb faced a strong risk of assimilation into other tribes in order to survive economically; it was only after a period of high internal strife -- including an assassination of the former Head Tribesman -- that the desperate attempts of the current Head Tribesman, Fasah Katine, enabled the tribe to retain its autonomy. When the Hezar were greatly weakened by the aftermath of the War, the pressure on the Jiermeb to assimilate was also relieved.


Internal Hierarchy: Head Tribesman, Crest, Member


Thorough knowledge of borderland trade routes and an extensive contact network.


One of Katine's first borderland raids -- which were, he believed, necessary sacrifices of trade partners in order to save the tribe from starvation -- was on Jarilas in the Season of Ripening, 955AC.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Official State Religion
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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