Kessil Darter (KESS-ill)

The Kessil darter is a freshwater fish named for the Kessil region to which it is native.

Basic Information


Adults are 8-12" in length; it is a narrow fish with a spined back, strong double-finned tail, and smaller side fins (of which it has four). It has a long 'nose' from which protrude two 4" whiskers.

Biological Traits

Silver-scaled with green anterior stripes that fade closer to the tail. Fins, spines, whiskers, and tail membranes are dark red. Eyes are typically gray.

Ecology and Habitats

Rarely seen in other parts of the Laqalney or Eizunuth Well due to its preference for warmer, gentle waters with the specific nutrient content of both run-off from the mountains and those from the inlet's floodplain.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Classed as an oily fish, the Kessil darter is fished as much for its oil -- fish oil being a common cooking ingredient in Qalneyan cuisine -- as for its meat, which has a very fishy taste.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

5-10 Years
Conservation Status
Some Concern
Average Weight
Average Length
Geographic Distribution


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