Klatuut (KLAH-tout)

Humanoid crosses between goat-like and fish-like creatures, they favor the water-plentiful territories in Seyis-Gol and the Creqira. Nearly as mysterious to outsiders as the eisorcei, they are one of the oldest races and the only intelligent race to reside in that spiritual site. The bipedal fauns are their cousins, both with slightly longer lifespans than humans.

Basic Information


Lower halves from the waist down present themselves as muscular fish-tails of various types; upper halves from the waist up they become goat-like, including two cloven feet and streamlined but horned goat-like facial features.

Ecology and Habitats

Rocky, watery areas with nearby vegetation are ideal due to their limited mobility and unique physique.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Capable of Ega-channeling but this is uncommon, as they find it largely 'unnecessary'.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Klao, including Seyis-Klaa and Creqira-Klaa.
100 Years
Average Length
5'0 to 5'8 for both males and females.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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