Lea'Cthosai (LAY-kih-THO-say)

The lea'cthosai are the ancient parent species of both eova'cthosai (eova) and nae'cthosai, though historically both subraces have been adamant about the distinction to the point of denial. As such, knowledge of their shared parentage is no longer common knowledge. No 'pure' lea'cthosai exist in modern times in the true sense.   Despite it not being immediately obvious with modern eova, like the nae'cthosai they retain a strong connection to nature and the Ega -- their connection is more metaphysical, whereas for nae'cthosai it is more physical.

Basic Information


Bipedal, humanoid.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A strong connection to and ability to channel the Ega.
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution

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