Massacre of the 215th Holding, The

The Massacre of the 215th Holding -- or simply the Massacre of the 215th -- is the name recently given to the nonsensical attack on the Korzhûn Shogu Holding on the 55th Day of the Season of Closing, 1000AC, five days before their scheduled graduation ceremony. The persons behind the attack and their reasoning are still unknown.   The attackers were estimated to number between three and five individuals, and were armed with explosives. It is unclear whether any were Channelers though it is suspected there was at least one Rel-user. Multiple explosions racked the building, resulting in its collapse.   Twenty-one of the thirty-two prospective graduates were killed, including nine of their twelve First-Ranked classmen. Among the survivors are Kotia Acosaphaura and Fhalz Lathor, and the attack has left a deep impression on Wardens such as Orine Basania and Aramastus Danig. Fieron Eburos oversaw the release of the souls of the dead as the attending Shepherd of Leaving. Due to the rarity of explosives following the Quelldraw Act, Devatska Acosaphaura came under intense but brief scrutiny owing to her invention of enstreng, which was found on the site.


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