
Channeling, broadly-speaking, is the act of connecting to, channeling, and changing/casting Ega, which typically manifests in the three trees of Rel, Uon, and Aré. All channeling is done with different levels of skill and to different depths across both types of channeler and individuals. There may be specific names for different types or professions of channeler, but the concept is identical.  
  Channelers Versus Non-Channelers
Although 'channeler' and 'non-channeler' are accurate descriptors, more common terms to make the distinction include 'gifted'/'non-gifted', 'caster'/'non-caster', 'touched'/'untouched' (primarily a Burning Crown term), 'ethera'/'ethero' (archaic), 'practitioners'/'non-practitioners' (used by channelers), 'seers'/'non-seers', and 'attuned'/'unattuned'. There are also other terms for channelers without a non-channeler equivalent, leaving the equivalent to simply be implied: 'Ega-user', 'incant', 'etherist', 'elementalist' (primarily for Rel/Uon practitioners), and 'blessed'.   'Bloodsingers' Versus 'Channelers'
All channelers may also be known by the more archaic term 'bloodsingers', but this is rare. Instead, most governments and militaries prefer to reserve -- if not outright enforce -- 'bloodsinger' for those accomplished Rel and Uon practitioners for those who serve the military (such as the Fiir of the Ustrarian Itoqir), leaving 'channeler' for civilians. Additionally, a distinction is made (military regardless) for Aré practitioners, who are always referred to by their specific profession -- in this case Cleric or Shepherd.  
Defining Ability
  The close scrutiny given to Uon and Rel practitioners has led to efforts to define, describe, and regulate channeling, and this brought about the publication of The Bloodsinger Codex, which has served as a modest gesture toward self-government within the profession despite a lack of actual governing body. It has, however, been useful to the layperson in understanding basic capabilities and limitations:
  • Though channeling can be a natural (but non-hereditary), nurturable talent and was relatively common pre-war, consuming ikam can either artificially induce talent where there was none or strengthen pre-existing talent; it is less risky to do this under the age of twelve.
  • Within the three trees, loose groupings of 'spells' known as Manifestations have been delineated in the Codex; in turn, within these Manifestations are individual spells known as Abilities, but a single ability may vary slightly between individuals. For example: three practitioners of the Rel tree may all be able to use the Fireball Ability -- which falls under the 'Missile' Manifestation -- but as well as differing in power and consistency, one Rel practitioner's may move in a spiral while another's moves in a straight line, or there may be differences in shape or texture.
  • There are some channeling skills, such as aura-reading, that fall outside of these trees and can be mastered by any channeler, though they are generally unremarkable and utilitarian in nature.
  • Some channelers are only able, after connecting to Ega manifested in their plane, to channel the Ega available in their plane rather than what lies beyond it. This is a common barometer of ability between a novice and an adept practitioner, with higher-ranked individuals being able to draw on more of the 'non-manifested' Ega (and likewise this creates a distinction in power rankings of individual spells).
  An Age-Old Wariness
Channeling has always been regarded with wariness by the general population. At a minimum, moderately- to highly accomplished bloodsingers are usually deliberately funneled into structured, controllable fields such as the military as a precaution.   Prior to the War of the Six, there was an annual search for channeler talent known as Peithya's Feast that mostly slanted as a celebration, but which could also have been interpreted in a more ominous light. It was suspended during the war years. Post-war much of the celebratory nature has gone, due to the shortage of channelers but also renewed stigma toward them (having been the source of much of the problems).   Channeling and the Burning Crown
According to Order of the Burning Crown belief, channelers have been touched/gifted by either Iasis directly (Aré), or Goas (Uon) or Xados (Rel) through Iasis, but are in exchange under closer scrutiny.

Side/Secondary Effects

Many personal side-effects -- especially for Uon and Rel practitioners -- can be averted by significant investment in bloodsilk clothing, though for all channelers self-preservation is a strong pillar of instruction.


The act of touching the Ega with the intent to channel is generally known as 'immersing' or 'connecting'; many have described this as a practice of intense focus, while others have described it as akin to following a hunch or even a noise. The act of immersing or connecting in turn has as many descriptions as there are channelers, but common themes include wading into water, intent listening, opening a door, etc.   The act of channeling from the Ega to oneself as a vessel has generally been described physically as a pleasant warmth or excitement, especially when familiar with the action. However, the physical sensations experienced when casting vary not only between the three trees, but between individual Manifestations and sometimes even Abilities within a single Manifestation or channelers' experience of the same Ability.


Ega, a.k.a 'the Source'. Especially potent near a leyline or Ega Root.
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Applied Restriction
Individual ability limits the amount of power one can channel by default. Additionally, however, only so much Ega can be drawn in a given time period in a given area, particularly at greater distances from leylines and Roots. This had extensive implications for Bloodsingers during the War of the Six, particularly when they were grouped en masse. How much is drawn determines how long it takes for the Ega in the area to replenish itself. Although there are rumored tales of leylines themselves being drained, it is not thought possible to drain a Root.


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